How do you guys get notification for an update of a manga that you want to keep track of on mangago?

z4block September 2, 2014 10:43 pm

How do you guys get notification for an update of a manga that you want to keep track of on mangago?

    SugarCupcake September 2, 2014 11:02 pm

    You can't, only the subscription newsletter for all the manga. I know it sucks.

    Magnolia September 2, 2014 11:18 pm

    Usually with firefox for example, wherever there is in rss button on the page, you click on it, and the link is added to your in-built rss reader. I tried that on mangago but it didn't work.


    (I assure you, it is simple and quick once you get accustomed to it).

    1- Install RSS reader extension if your browser doesn't have already an in-built one.

    2 - Open the webpage for the manga you want to follow, right clik anywhere on an empty space in the page.
    Select "view source" from the menu, it will open a new tab/ or window with the source to that page. Press ctrl + f (alternatively you can select find from the main menu) and type rss. You should have maximum 2 to 3 highlighted results in the page, we are doing this to locate the url for the rss feed for this particular manga. It is usually the one which comes directly after href=
    Copy only the url WITHOUT the single quotation marks, example

    3 - Go to your rss reader and add the link, and that is it. You'll be notified regularly of any new updates.

    Magnolia September 2, 2014 11:23 pm

    Yes, we can and this is how I did it

    (I assure you, it is simple and quick once you get accustomed to it).

    1- Install RSS reader extension if your browser doesn't have already an in-built one.

    2 - Open the webpage for the manga you want to follow, right clik anywhere on an empty space in the page.
    Select "view source" from the menu, it will open a new tab/ or window with the source to that page. Press ctrl + f (alternatively you can select find from the main menu) and type rss. You should have maximum 2 to 3 highlighted results in the page, we are doing this to locate the url for the rss feed for this particular manga. It is usually the one which comes directly after href=
    and ends with xml
    Copy only the url WITHOUT the single quotation marks, I can't give you an example because mangago suspends replies with unfamiliar links.

    3 - Go to your rss reader and add the link, and that is it. You'll be notified regularly of any new updates.

    Magnolia September 2, 2014 11:36 pm

    Yes, we can and this is how I did it

    (note: This is the third time I post this but mangago keeps blocking the reply because it has unfamiliar links and terms), so I removed them and I hope that it is going to be posted.

    (I assure you, it is simple and quick once you get accustomed to it).

    a- Install a reader extension if your browser doesn't have already an in-built one.

    b - Open the page for the manga you want to follow, right click anywhere on an empty space in the page.
    Select "view source" from the menu, it will open a new tab or window with the source to that page. Select find from the browser main menu and type r-s-s (it is one word without the hyphens). You should have maximum 2 to 3 highlighted results in the page, we are doing this to locate the url for the feed for this particular manga. It is usually the one which comes directly after h-r-e-f (it is one word without the hyphens)

    Copy only the address WITHOUT the single quotation marks, I can't give you an example because mangago suspends replies with unfamiliar links.

    c - Go to your reader and add the link, and that is it. You'll be notified regularly of any new updates.

    SugarCupcake September 3, 2014 1:02 am
    Yes, we can and this is how I did it(note: This is the third time I post this but mangago keeps blocking the reply because it has unfamiliar links and terms), so I removed them and I hope that it is going to be... @Magnolia

    Is that safe? I mean. won't I get any virus or some kind of threat?

    Magnolia September 3, 2014 7:28 am
    Is that safe? I mean. won't I get any virus or some kind of threat? SugarCupcake

    Why would you?
    The above process is just about fetching the rss link (it is find and seek, copying and pasting without modifying anything in your browser). And the "view source" is just a panel which lets you see what kind of links and settings a page has. You can't modify it, or get infected from it (it doesn't run any scripts, it is just and only a text page), it is like when you have a file on your desktop and you right-click on it to view its properties.
    It is the same thing, so you can apply it without fear.
    This is 100% safe.
    The infection can happen from extensions, fake ones or illegitimate ones (so download any extension you want to ONLY from the official web store of your browser). It can happen from readers bundled with unwanted pup (potentially unwanted programs) or with badware etc. but that is an entirely different story which does not have anything to do with fetching the rss url for a webpage. Cheers ^^

    SugarCupcake September 3, 2014 9:33 am

    Thank you for the information! :)

    Magnolia September 3, 2014 7:56 pm
    Thank you for the information! :) SugarCupcake

    By the way, this can also be done to get all the latest updates from mangago in real-time.
    This can be done by following the same steps described above except for the first one (the rss url is located from the main/ home page, right-click then "view source" etc. and you are set to get all the updates in your browser's rss reader).
    Glad it was useful, enjoy.