Uenoyama stay strong

jojo_03 July 3, 2020 12:31 pm

Uenoyama is so admirable, I don’t think I would have ever had the patience and the strength to go through something like this, he’s literally STUCK in a difficult situation in which he has to act like a red cross nurse with the terrible fear and awareness of being basically a rebound.

I’m not saying Mafuyu doesn’t love him and I’m not saying Mafuyu is just using Uenoyama either

I thought that after being able to sing his song he was able to move on too, but now I’m starting to think that the marks Yuki left on him are too dark and strong to be cancelled, so he doesn’t have to cancel them, he has to learn how to live with them.

He has to work on thinking about the past and remembering the old days as good days, he has to treasure the special memories but be aware of the fact that all those things happened in the past.

I feel like Uenoyama is helping Mafuyu but Mafuyu is not doing anything at all to sustain Uenoyama...

It’s not Uenoyama who has to do all the work.. love works either ways.

    アダ July 3, 2020 11:04 am

    You put all my thought in this text and i agree so much with you. I know I shouldn't say something so cold and ignorant but everyone is so caught up around Yuki this Yuki that, that I sometimes feel that no one appreciates how much effort Uenoyama is putting in this relationship alone. I know Yuki was very VERY important in this story and he left a deep mark on Mafuyu. But he's gone, and mafuyu has to learn to move forward and pour his love on someone else and try to work things out TOGETHER with Uenoyama.

    jojo_03 July 3, 2020 12:30 pm
    You put all my thought in this text and i agree so much with you. I know I shouldn't say something so cold and ignorant but everyone is so caught up around Yuki this Yuki that, that I sometimes feel that no one... アダ

    yeah! that’s exactly what I think too

    even though mafuyu confessed, to me it still looks like uenoyama is a onesided love :c I want Ue’s efforts to be acknowledged.

    ASigAlum14 August 4, 2020 9:29 am

    I disagree with the latter comment regarding Uenoyama doing all the work.......... he has been so preoccupied with Hiragi’s band and finishing Yuki’s song that the only time they really can be alone is during their lunch at school...... and even then Uenoyama is still preoccupied to even pay attention to Mafuyu when they are alone together...... I am not hating on Uenoyama, just adding that he is also neglecting Mafuyu.

    jojo_03 August 4, 2020 10:08 am
    I disagree with the latter comment regarding Uenoyama doing all the work.......... he has been so preoccupied with Hiragi’s band and finishing Yuki’s song that the only time they really can be alone is duri... ASigAlum14

    but I think that he’s working on Yuki’s song for Mafuyu, and he’s working on himself too, so I think that it’s a good thing: he’s finally taking time for himself without really neglecting Mafuyu.