kaenki_ July 3, 2020 7:05 am

mafuyu character development arc??????? are we getting there?????????

    Shin July 3, 2020 7:24 am

    I don't think so, more like It's regressing in the latest chapters

    jojo_03 July 3, 2020 9:44 am

    It looks like he’s regressing to me :/

    I don’t want to sound like a bi*ch but WTF was Mafuyu thinking? Even though he actually IS the centre of Uenoyama’s world it’s not like everything revolves around him. It’s not like Uenoyama was ignoring him, he was dedicating his time to a challenge he had taken, a challenge that oF COURSE involved Mafuyu’s ex boyfriend :/

    I feel so sorry for Uenoyama being treated like sh*t by all the people he’s trying to help, like dAMN

    I want to protect this precious baby.