Just A Spoiler

yukiji July 3, 2020 4:54 am

Read at your own risk






Idk if this will be in the manhwa but this one's in the novel.

Actually, the person inside Anastacius, the biological father of Jenette and the Brother of Claude, is Carax. Now this Carax, is someone Lucas knew. The white haired magician that was shown in his flashbacks. Apparently both of these people are dead. They're bodies are being used by Aethernitas. The son of the famous emperor, Caillum, who Lucas mentioned to Athy. Apparently, this Aethernitas guy has always admired Lucas for being so powerful, as the Black Magician of the Tower because Aethernitas was always downgraded for being weak and not being able to become as powerful as his father, Caillum. He somewhat wanted to be like Lucas. So knowing Lucas, who became an immortal, Aethernitas made a spell, of black magic, where he could become stronger. So apparently, because he became stronger and stuff, that's where they're jeweled eyes started. So then, he disguised himself as Carax and as the fake Black Magician of the Tower and then took over Anastacius's corpse.He did all those stuff just so Lucas could notice him.

Such a dumbass. However, in the end, he somewhat cured or stabilized Jenette but removing her magic. Dw, in the novel, Aethernitas was beaten up so hard by Lucas. XD

    yukiji July 3, 2020 4:58 am

    Oh and don't worry y'all, Claude will regain his memories on Athy's 15th Bday. This actually happened in the novel. This was Lucas's bday gift for her.

    zelulu July 3, 2020 5:05 am

    I don’t why but I find Carax reasoning so funny if this was all to get lucas’s attention it’s the ultimate notice me senpai move

    yukiji July 3, 2020 5:11 am
    I don’t why but I find Carax reasoning so funny if this was all to get lucas’s attention it’s the ultimate notice me senpai move zelulu

    yup but I think it was really because he just wanted to become as powerful as him lololol

    YuyaFrost July 3, 2020 1:17 pm

    So wait what, Daddy Anastacious is cancelled?? Noooo. But...but he's hot!!!

    yukiji July 3, 2020 4:33 pm

    ooh yea about that Idk they probably changed the plot of the manhwa xD

    yukiji July 3, 2020 11:32 pm
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    she kinda becomes a bit bitchy because she was like being controlled by the black magic but I still believe that she's innocent. She's the person who's hurt the most after all. Especially when she found out that Claude was the one who killed her father.I just can't help pity Jennete. She was just a victim of greed after all.

    yukiji July 3, 2020 11:35 pm
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    no, she wasn't accepted she was almost killed by claude but athy stopped him. Then Jennete and Iejekiel decided to travel to another place.

    yukiji July 3, 2020 11:42 pm
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    but isn't it actually the right thing to do? Since athy is the real daughter of claude after all. And yea, her bitchy side was triggered because she found out that Iejekiel likes Athy in a romantic way.