The way some here be telling "wHy caN hE geT oVeR hIs DEAD BOYFRIEND WHO COMMITTED SUICIDE...

girlsownthevoid July 2, 2020 8:50 pm

The way some here be telling "wHy caN hE geT oVeR hIs DEAD BOYFRIEND WHO COMMITTED SUICIDE?? LiKe foCUs oN tHe pResEnt anD thE liviNg, liKe iT's nOt thAt hArd."

Kinda disgusting imo. (sorry i just got so emotional)

    girlsownthevoid July 2, 2020 11:07 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Anony.mous

    Right. This is a slow peaced manga with complex characters. If it's not for you, maybe you should read something else just saying.