Spoilers... Beware!!

Katra1212 July 2, 2020 7:05 pm

For those of you who've fallen and is preparing to hate the 2nd ML. And how the ML redeemed himself.
The 2nd ML is the Emperor of Safavid. You know his backstory and how his past brought him to become such laviscious man. He did fall for MC. You'll later see that he will give his best, in as much form as he can give and believe how a woman should be loved and cared in those times. He is one of the most pampering 2nd ML I knew. Moreover he just looks so sweet a husband material. But.... Everything hinged on the fact that Leesha stays and does not betray him. He begged her, repeatedly to choose him. Stay with him. He will care for her. Hide her so that no one can snatch her and to protect her cause she's a butterfly maiden.

Their trip to the market will show how Leesha has begun accepting of him. He is indeed good to her. Then... The ML showed up (all hot and grown up) and Leesha has to prove herself that her loyalty remains to the ML by spying on 2nd ML. You remember that treasure map? That will be the crux of what will transpire later on.

So after missing for a few days, she went back to 2nd ML. (I really pity her here. She doesn't want to go back but tactician convinced her that to follow the plan.)

Leesha was conflicted, you can see her agonize that for everything good 2nd ML has given her (bec. for the first time he has given her a comfortable home) she has to betray that love and trust. 2nd ML knows her conflict, she's a transparent person, and no matter how much she hid, 2nd ML is just so scheming that he knew every move she'll make.

But she still did it and stolen the treasure map. You just can't help but applaud her determination here. And succeeded on sending the map via bird airmail express... or so she thought. And so she was caught.

The 2nd ML had devised everything so that what she had sent via express bird mail was a blank map. You can say that he used her emotions to get to Leesha, making her fall into her own trap, unknowing that he's all along behind her. He was really devious. But awesome and psycho. Cause after catching her, he still forgives her, so long as she return to him, since no harm has been done. Or rather he declares it, because he also claimed to break her legs if he had to, just so she stays with him. He is so Yandere here. He actually didn't do it but Leesha was really scared and very determined to escape. She knew he was cold and even witnessed it firsthand when they first met, but he was bloodthirsty during that time. He felt betrayed afterall.

She knew she failed, and everyone on the ML's team is out to get her/meet her will fall into the 2nd ML's trap. He vowed to kill them all. They will be killed because of her. So she did the only thing that she could, she flamethrowed her way out there. And escaped 2nd ML's grasp/hold on her. The 2nd ML was very angry so he ordered her capture, anything can be done, so long as she's still alive. This is where you'll see how cold blooded he is. His henchmen really did try their best to capture her. Her fire was going out of control at this point and the henchmen almost killed her with an arrow. No, not almost. It's a fatal shot. A shot to the heart. 2nd ML was distraught cause he ordered her capture alive.

In another location, the airmail bird has just arrived to ML's location and they saw that it was an empty map. Leesha had failed and the tactician propose they had to abandon her or else they be implicated. For the plan to go on and the good of everyone, it is indeed their best option to abandon her. After all, she's only his chess piece, one he can abandon.

ML was undecided. You'll see some of his back story. Apparently, because his mother is a butterfly maiden, the King's possessiveness of her extended way beyond anyone, even her children is not spared. This led to majority of the children, ML's siblings to view their mother nothing more than an ornamental birthing machine, only fit for the King's eyes. Even their mother didn't care for their opinion. But with an exception, ML was in fact very close with his mother. He knew the capability and powers of what a butterfly maiden can do, as well as their sorrows. In the end, he decided to save her. One, because she is his follower. Two, he promised he'd get her out there. And three, he just can't abandon her for some reason. (This is connected to an important matter of being Leesha's master as a Butterfly maiden.) He knew what will happen if he abandoned her.

The tactician was very adamant that he is making a mistake. You'll see at this point that he really doesn't like Leesha's ability to affect ML's judgement. ML then confronted the tactician, that it was the tactician's plan all along to abandon Leesha. There are other plans to sniff out the fugitive they are arresting but he had to use Leesha. Control Leesha, and then push for the plan to steal the map using Leesha. When there could be a much more safer way. He didn't call out to him before because ML trust tactician, and cause it was laid out very objectively to him. But now, he wanted to abandon Leesha cause of the mere fact she's a butterfly maiden. Bec despite their grand and beautiful exterior, they carry within addictive poison that no man can refuse and tactician had hated butterfly maiden ever since. He also seems to hate ML 's mother deep inside. And indeed, it was his plan all along to get Leesha killed one way or another. ML was the only hole to his plan. He never expected ML to be affected by Leesha. He knew there was something but not to the point of disregarding everything because he believed ML was very objective.

ML left him behind to rescue Leesha and they found her with a breath away from death. The arrow pierced her heart. It was a fatal arrow shot. Everyone had given up. But ML decided to accelerate the pupa's growth. In exchange for his vitality, he will awaken the butterfly sleeping on her. Basically sealing the contract of being her master. This is the period where butterfly madien is at their most dangerous stage. They become predators. This scene was so hot cause he transfered his blood thru mouth to mouth and Leesha was very aggressive on kissing him. In the end, Leesha was saved after much bloody kissing and they escaped.

There is some chasing and escaping that will happen later on. Suffice it to say, they have fallen to another trap. One so well planned that even 2nd ML was caught off guard.

Ok that's it, I'm tired. For some who know the following scenarios, just add on it. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Anju July 3, 2020 8:59 pm

    That was quite a story... thank you so much for the effort..

    iamb July 8, 2020 1:08 am

    thank you!

    sophia !:) August 12, 2020 10:03 pm

    so overall , ml falls for leesha ? that’s really all i care about

    maychan January 22, 2021 2:39 pm

    "everything good he was giving her" - like almost rape, kidnapping against her will, buying her like goods, sexually assault her EVERYDAY despite she says no and he knows that, chain her down in a cage cause he "wants" her so bad and no even asking her if she even wants it, force marriage on her cause again "he can" and everything he wants should happen cause he wants it that way.
    but oh no, that's fine, he has a sad shitty backstory, she can "fix" him and it be super romantic and bs like this. yeas sorry I don't see how charming he is.

    Katra1212 January 22, 2021 9:47 pm
    "everything good he was giving her" - like almost rape, kidnapping against her will, buying her like goods, sexually assault her EVERYDAY despite she says no and he knows that, chain her down in a cage cause he... maychan

    I'm upfrontly going to say this, I don't root for 2nd ML, nor do I justify his act. But... pls. look at the context of time, culture/place, and character before judging him. Do not put the modern sensesibilities on him.

    Their time and culture is very patriarchal, women almost have no right, more so to a butterfly maiden, their hierarchical system is also very strict, slaves (and commoners) are not treated as humans but as commodity.

    For royalty, they hold the life and death of their subjects, and love is a weakness, not a good trait to have. The fact that he did not actually rape her, in my opinion, is actually a respect (to MC) on his side. Bec he could do so, and believe me, an emperor has no need to stop or ask for permission. Him buying her, was bec it's his right, MC is a commonodity, they were selling her. (even if it's all a play the ML was concocting).

    As for his character, he knew no better how treat a woman right. That's his love. Men those times could have just taken, not asked, disregard the females feelings, but he's biding his time courting her in 'his own way'. Believe me, that's gentle compared to ML.

    Again, I'm not saying this to justify his act, but please respect the way the author/artist had molded her characters, understand them in their point of view. Why they act that way, the context of the story, the relationships of the characters. There are deeper meaning to them. I'm saying this so that readers don't misunderstand. What we are seeing is an alternative story of a historical culture. That entails a lot of differences on our own. The artist is giving us a glimpse of their perspective.

    It's not right yeah, it's also not good. But only on our side. I'm just thankful for being born now, where woman can say no, and have a right to defend herself. Where at least societal and gender equality issues and are being brought to light.

    maychan January 22, 2021 10:06 pm
    I'm upfrontly going to say this, I don't root for 2nd ML, nor do I justify his act. But... pls. look at the context of time, culture/place, and character before judging him. Do not put the modern sensesibilitie... Katra1212

    dude I don't give a shit about the "time" he still did wrong no matter how old the times are even then what he is doing is shitty! and another man said that to him too, if you forgot.

    also, the reason he "didn't" rape her was only cause she has powers. so no, it didn't cause he "care" for her, it was only cause she has the power to stop him. if she didn't have superpowers, he would have raped her. so no he is still an asshole! even if he didn't rape her. and the reason he acts "cute" and sexually harasses her is cause he wants to use her, it kinda clear.

    the opposite, if he is " royalty" like you claim it even more shitty and horrible from his side to buy women just cause he "can"!! he suppose to be an example for all people for fuck sake! what kinda a leader is he that buys humans like they are goods?! it is still his fault!! he still shitty! he is a bad example of what not to do has a leader and has royalty. disgusting!

    and I don't give a damn about what the author tries to do if they think I feel bad for a horrible shitty man like just cause of a "sad" backstory that just bad writing. sorry, but it is true.

    Katra1212 January 22, 2021 10:38 pm
    dude I don't give a shit about the "time" he still did wrong no matter how old the times are even then what he is doing is shitty! and another man said that to him too, if you forgot. also, the reason he "didn'... maychan

    Okay chill. You're entitled to what you think and feel of. Sorry if you don't like it. No one's gonna argue with you on that.

    I'm studying art and global culture so I'm neutral, I get where the story is going, and what it want to show. I've been in the field of art for so long that before I put "I" or my perspective, I have to first be objective to actually critique a work.

    Also, just a tidbit, every culture has diff way of royalty system, but historical wise, they aren't expected to move/behave that (modern) way. They set the example but def not as role model. Their power comes first, how their subjects adapt to that, is their (subject's) problem. In the hierarchy of power. Royalty > noble > public official/knight > bourgeoisie > commoners > slave. Who creates the rules is the one on the higher power of pyramid, how they move, no one can judge but themselves. They have supporters, yeah, but belive me, royalty aren't constricted them, or why else could there be tyrants? (Also, not all tyrants are brought down, some are revered). They aren't that constraint to follow (an established) moral conduct. It depends on each ruler.

    What/How you view royalty, with their responsibility to set as model to their subjects or how they view public sentiment as important is the modern perspective.

    Just getting this out so you (again) have another perspective to view it. Discrimination and prejudice goes both ways. If you put your culture over another and say, 'their's is wrong', 'yours is right' even if it's bec their culture is, say for instance, 'barbaric', it's still called discrimination. Each culture has their own way of construct, let's not get heated.

    Okay. Peace. I'm out.

    maychan January 23, 2021 1:22 am
    Okay chill. You're entitled to what you think and feel of. Sorry if you don't like it. No one's gonna argue with you on that.I'm studying art and global culture so I'm neutral, I get where the story is going, a... Katra1212

    I say it again if you think this story is accurate to the culture in any shame or form - this is the wrong way to look at it cause it is not! and it isn't trying to be "historically accurate" either. you don't have people with super powers in history and it is said that the whole story is a dream from the first place! so no, it has accurate has superman story.

    secondly, I will say that in the modern world it actually less expect from rulers to set an example, unlike the older times. which means rulers were much stricter than they are today with basically EVERYTHING. so no, not really. you not born into royalty and basically do whatever the fuck you want, I mean you can but it would have much more severe consequences than just going to jail for few years like today or just leave or just ignore it. you would be dead! and all your family would be dead too. so don't talk to me about culture, it's not about culture. all rulers and royalty did set some sort of example, especially in the old times that people did not have anything to believe in so they look up to the royalty/rulers all the time. they all they talk about since their life was boring and shorter and harder.