Whew it's getting hot in here ;)

ccisneross July 1, 2020 1:58 pm

Whewww chile!!!! y'all idc abt haesol or minho or wtv!!! she has good ass chemistry with wookyung (the other dom). that should be the ship. y'all...wait til y'all see the backstory between them ;)) they're so compatible in bed but the only problem is that they're both doms LMAOOOO and the MC is adamant on not being a sub.

    Ling July 1, 2020 5:02 pm

    I totally agree with you

    Esdeath2701 July 3, 2020 1:24 pm

    Wait, I saw the raws (but I couldn't understand them), isn't Wookyung a switch?

    ccisneross July 3, 2020 2:53 pm
    Wait, I saw the raws (but I couldn't understand them), isn't Wookyung a switch? Esdeath2701

    he's a Dom but he let the MC be the dom for the night lmao since she didn't want to sub. I gave someone else spoilers from 61-97 if u want to know in more detail.

    ccisneross July 3, 2020 2:55 pm
    he's a Dom but he let the MC be the dom for the night lmao since she didn't want to sub. I gave someone else spoilers from 61-97 if u want to know in more detail. ccisneross


    Esdeath2701 July 4, 2020 5:16 am
    he's a Dom but he let the MC be the dom for the night lmao since she didn't want to sub. I gave someone else spoilers from 61-97 if u want to know in more detail. ccisneross

    Damn,, he makes really good maso faces

    Tai July 6, 2020 8:31 pm

    yeah domxdom just doest Not work. like its one thing if one of them was a switch but anyway that guy is terrifying why would u want duna with him. i mean...maybe if it meant she'd beat him up....(srsly i rly liked him at first he was my kinda freak but then he just got turned into a full on monster, and then the writer pretends like its just fine and no consequences happen? man that made me knock down this manhwa a full letter grade. MESS.)

    ccisneross July 7, 2020 12:28 am
    yeah domxdom just doest Not work. like its one thing if one of them was a switch but anyway that guy is terrifying why would u want duna with him. i mean...maybe if it meant she'd beat him up....(srsly i rly li... Tai

    what he did to minho was lowkey fucked up but after watching the backstory and their history, it'd make sense if both ended up together. obvs minho has shown that he won't change, the girl is out of the question, and haesol is too naive and won't be able to have a healthy relationship.

    ComeOnBunny July 7, 2020 3:13 am
    yeah domxdom just doest Not work. like its one thing if one of them was a switch but anyway that guy is terrifying why would u want duna with him. i mean...maybe if it meant she'd beat him up....(srsly i rly li... Tai

    DomXDom works as, long as they manage to keep their egos in check.

    Tai July 7, 2020 3:44 pm
    what he did to minho was lowkey fucked up but after watching the backstory and their history, it'd make sense if both ended up together. obvs minho has shown that he won't change, the girl is out of the questio... ccisneross

    tbf i wrote what i wrote before i saw all these raws/spanish translated chapters. i feel like the writer changed her mind or something cause that stuff rly changes the entire context of the first half of the story. that's not even a complaint though cause the bits doona and wookyung are prob the most interesting in the whole manhwa so far. and its not as if i dislike her scenes with her other lovers either but yeah, if not for the being a sub is rly not his preference aspect they'd p much perfect match. lol (cant read spanish but still looked thru all the chapters anyway, no regrets!)

    Tai July 7, 2020 3:56 pm
    what he did to minho was lowkey fucked up but after watching the backstory and their history, it'd make sense if both ended up together. obvs minho has shown that he won't change, the girl is out of the questio... ccisneross

    it was highkey fucked up and tbh made no sense? like i dont even hate it cause its problematic (altho it is) i hate it cuz its so unnecessary like WK is a freak sure but he (and this writer) clearly does know what consent is and looks like even with the "forced seduction" trope in play. that and the entire bizarre scenario WK goes thru to make minho quit his job is so convoluted and then he just gonna drug him anyway? just do that shit rom the start then damn. im all for wk manipulating minho into bed and making him cry from pleasure and embarassment/humiliation cause boy does minho need to get a regular ego check but his scene with WK was him in terror for his Life. that's just not sexy to me. i liked his scenes with Doona alot more. she's being vicious but he's also shown to be into it and like not scared he's going to Die or get beaten until he passes out. like minoh is so unsympathetic but the bit with WK was so horrible that it made me feel bad for minho! anyway thats tbh my only big qualm with this manhwa so far? and i rly like WK in all his scenes prior and after. the whole thing seemed just OOC tbh? anyway here's hoping there's no repeats. that said, after seeing that bit with him, buff sub jongwoo and doona..i m hoping WK gets his wish at having Minho be his sub and i get my wish of seeing both Doona and WK tag teamming Minho in bed. (he's so pretty when he cries...)

    Tai July 7, 2020 3:59 pm
    Wait, I saw the raws (but I couldn't understand them), isn't Wookyung a switch? Esdeath2701

    apparently he's only a switch for doona ;) tru luv

    ccisneross July 8, 2020 9:11 am
    it was highkey fucked up and tbh made no sense? like i dont even hate it cause its problematic (altho it is) i hate it cuz its so unnecessary like WK is a freak sure but he (and this writer) clearly does know w... Tai

    yesss like I liked wookyung before that scene, but then I started having second thoughts during that scene. :( like minho's an asshole, but that made me sympathize with him a bit. im guessing the author wrote that scene (which didn't make sense like you said) because i think? that was after the long ass hiatus when she left Lezhin. I'm guessing she kind of got lost and added that in? After reading tho I kind of liked wookyung lmaoo his personality is pretty interesting. Btw, I read up til chapter 97 and I actually told someone else literally everything that happened in detail. Do you want me to send u a link of the topic? That way you'd be able to understand y i like wookyung lmaoo & yeah I hope I see minho as a sub he needs an ego check

    ccisneross July 8, 2020 9:14 am
    yesss like I liked wookyung before that scene, but then I started having second thoughts during that scene. :( like minho's an asshole, but that made me sympathize with him a bit. im guessing the author wrote t... ccisneross

    hahaha nvmmmm lmao I told you alr in another topic

    Tai July 8, 2020 2:49 pm
    hahaha nvmmmm lmao I told you alr in another topic ccisneross

    yeah i saw ur summary of the chapters and then i even went thru the chapters after 70+ tfrom the spanish translation and just like "read" thru them all even tho i cant read spanish. but google translate can! lol. its too time consuming to write out everything into the translate window but i just did stuff where i couldnt figure out at all what the context was. i type rly fast u see ;) my spanish is not as bad as i thought tho! but its still very bad lmao. anyway feel free to chat w/ me about this manhwa anytime. too many people on here dont appreciate Doona and that bums me out. (why would any1 read smth about a sadistic woman and then complain in the comments when she behaves sadisticly? dun make no sense...if the femdom isnt stepping on men's faces with her shoe then what is even THE POINT! smh)

    Tai July 8, 2020 2:50 pm
    yesss like I liked wookyung before that scene, but then I started having second thoughts during that scene. :( like minho's an asshole, but that made me sympathize with him a bit. im guessing the author wrote t... ccisneross

    wait tho what was that about some big hiatus and leaving lezhin? u got the details on that? spill that tea sis!

    Esdeath2701 July 8, 2020 3:14 pm
    yeah i saw ur summary of the chapters and then i even went thru the chapters after 70+ tfrom the spanish translation and just like "read" thru them all even tho i cant read spanish. but google translate can! lo... Tai

    Preach sis!! I'm so mad at people complaining about the MC's sadism,, like... Bruh

    Tai July 8, 2020 4:19 pm
    Preach sis!! I'm so mad at people complaining about the MC's sadism,, like... Bruh Esdeath2701

    people getting mad at Doona on Minho's behalf is the real kicker though. like...really?? HIM? like ok then lol. if u gon get mad at Doona for "raping" minho (even though in the comic its been shown multiple times he cant even get it up to have "normal" sex with other women anymore while with doona on both occasions she dommed him he came like 2-3x lol. in fact u can argue he provokes doona on purpose half the time so she'll pay attention to him cause he's a Mess and only knows how to be shitty to people even people he actually has feelings for! i dont hate minho as a character though he serves a useful Plot function and is top tier Bratty Sub). also do some of these folks who supposedly like reading bdsm manhwas/stories not realize that like the sub crying is part of the appeal of being a sub? u just lose control and fall apart and crying can be very cathartic and freeing, esp if u feel like u cant do that in your daily life even when you Want to. likewise for the dom, knowing u managed to break down someone's walls so effectively and elicit that kind of raw reaction is a big turn on too. its a feature not a bug! like yes obv irl alot of what happens isnt OK cause irl these are scenarios that player swould have to explicitly agree on in advance with safewords and ofc aftercare. but! this is all fantasy. no one was harmed, this is technically less "problematic" than irl porn cause no one's bodies are at stake. and like if its not Your fantasy than thats chill! but its not the manhwa writer's fault. if people how-to guide on bdsm then they shouldnt be tryin to get it from a piece of fiction. that said, i cant help but wonder if peeps would be half as mad if the sadistic beauty in this manga was a guy and this was Yaoi comic #129493 instead. but, i dont wanna argue with people in the comments cuz im grown and people r entitled to their opinions but i cant help but wonder how much of the handwringing going on in the comments stems from internalized misogyny more than anything else. (like i lost count of comment sections of many diff manhwa where people are complaing about the female lead either being too mean or too dumb or too *insert complaint here*. nice to see in 20 years of bein on the internet it rly hasnt changed at all wrt how female characters are talked about in any fandom. love that for us -_-)

    Tai July 8, 2020 4:20 pm
    Preach sis!! I'm so mad at people complaining about the MC's sadism,, like... Bruh Esdeath2701

    lol i didnt finish my sentence, i was trying to say if u gon get mad at doona for being shitty to minho u need to be mad at him for bein shitty to her too, but i aint seein any of That. hmmmhmm wonder why~

    ComeOnBunny July 8, 2020 5:53 pm
    people getting mad at Doona on Minho's behalf is the real kicker though. like...really?? HIM? like ok then lol. if u gon get mad at Doona for "raping" minho (even though in the comic its been shown multiple tim... Tai

    Minho is shitty but he isn't a rapist.

    Tai July 8, 2020 8:12 pm
    Minho is shitty but he isn't a rapist. ComeOnBunny

    lol neither is she? but im not interested in a debate about the ethics of porn comics thats of all things. why i didnt respond to anyone who doesnt like the mc or the comic, cause this comic either is ur kink or its not and either way is valid. u dont need to come here and tell me why u think Minho is worse than Doona. if im explaining my opinion to someone with a similar opinion thats not an opening to come in and lecture or explain why yall feel how u do cuz i didnt ask, it's not interesting or constructive. ty