Due to this pandemic I've been stuck in dorms with my best friend. And because we can't go...

Murano June 30, 2020 9:33 pm

Due to this pandemic I've been stuck in dorms with my best friend.
And because we can't go out a lot of sexual frustration is being filed up.

We kissed. It was awkward because I don't know what to do because I'm a fucking virgin.

And our brothers' are here. Dammit.

    pearlywaters June 30, 2020 9:37 pm

    Lmfao this lightened up my mood a little :')

    Anonym2003 June 30, 2020 9:56 pm

    Woah! I didn’t mean to smile but I couldn’t help my self!
    Hm...and for how much longer do you have to endure this sexual frustration? And was your horny interests the only reason for that kiss? Just asking, you don’t have to spill it all:3

    misschi12 June 30, 2020 9:57 pm

    Awww it’s okay sis everything’s awkward as first, the real question is if it’s something you guys wanna continue doing lol

    Chen Shanshan June 30, 2020 10:04 pm

    sounds like a romcom plot lol sorry. But anyway i think the best way to solve these things is communicating. It is always better than misunderstanding or not doing something out of fear. Gather your courage and keep calm while talking with him, like it's not embarrasing. Find a moment when you both are alone, and if you arent talking normally ( if you are just go with the flow and forget the talk) and things are weird, speak up If you don't wanna do anything more, turn him down gently like anyway we were both horny but lets go back to normal to avoid being awkwarrd. If yo do like them, go like admiting that you both are in a weird horny move and hint that its okay to do more things

    Chen Shanshan June 30, 2020 10:08 pm
    sounds like a romcom plot lol sorry. But anyway i think the best way to solve these things is communicating. It is always better than misunderstanding or not doing something out of fear. Gather your courage and... Chen Shanshan

    if you turn him down/ for some reason he doesn't want to continue then the matter's settles and go on like nothing happened. It's gonna be more normal than it looks. If you're both down, it'll be kinda awkward at first but you'll used to it. If you aren't up for sex though, don't force yourself - if he starts making his way down and you feel unconfortable, don't grit your teeth and bear it. But if you wanna have sex, just simply tell him ur a virgin but you wanna do this. It just requires more prep, but it'll make you more relaxed to admit it than overthink it in your head

    ThatGayChicken June 30, 2020 10:28 pm

    Lick your friends toes they always like that.

    Murano July 1, 2020 3:33 am

    Thank you for the comments guys. The communication is ok. We're both down for some funny business.
    Me not knowing how to kiss is the only thing stopping us from going further.
    The teeth's kept clashing.