Now the thing is that if Helen had a tiny bit of comprehensive skill, this scenario would ...

Haoruchan June 29, 2020 8:33 pm

Now the thing is that if Helen had a tiny bit of comprehensive skill, this scenario would turn out different.Damn i mean "wow this looks so authentic, it feels, sounds and looks like a real gun!How could this happen for a mere prop gun for a small contest?I'm sure it's just a high budget!Not a real gun at all", i never knew i could witness the densest of the densest female lead in the history

    Ren June 30, 2020 1:55 pm

    Nah but think about it, why would you randomly suspect a person to have something as expensive as a gun in some cheap contest ? It's like the bad feeling u keep trying to put away until something bad actually happens.

    .w. July 1, 2020 5:05 am

    well I mean in the next chapter... you might change your mind :>

    Ren July 1, 2020 3:12 pm
    well I mean in the next chapter... you might change your mind :> .w.

    Yup i know it's a real gun. But I'm just saying that we know it's real cuz of foreshadowing and what not.