Haha I'm such a sadist. I want her to hurt him so bad as she distance herself from him and...

Blaaaaahhhhh June 29, 2020 12:31 pm

Haha I'm such a sadist. I want her to hurt him so bad as she distance herself from him and realizes his mistake and tries to win her back

    Love June 29, 2020 2:35 pm

    i love it in general when the one who got hurt hurts the other so that they get what they did wrong or come to new realisations. that makes more sense for me than sulking. sometimes actions bring you further than words

    Love June 29, 2020 2:36 pm
    i love it in general when the one who got hurt hurts the other so that they get what they did wrong or come to new realisations. that makes more sense for me than sulking. sometimes actions bring you further th... Love

    but it depends on the situation of cause

    Joy June 30, 2020 2:34 am

    thought i was the only one