What are your guys theories??? -is the girl really the girl he married??? -the girl is rei...

Chibichara June 29, 2020 11:15 am

What are your guys theories???
-is the girl really the girl he married???
-the girl is reincarnation???

    otakuness July 8, 2020 6:02 am

    shes the girl he married but she lost her memories


    its a separate girl and the one he married is dead (or alive somwhere)

    iamb July 9, 2020 1:36 am
    shes the girl he married but she lost her memories ORits a separate girl and the one he married is dead (or alive somwhere) otakuness

    I think it's his wife and she lost her memories

    sen0 July 20, 2020 3:08 pm

    I think it's the wife. And that white haired girl's probably a donor of the wife bc she was fatally wounded or something.. like a heart transplant that's why different body? Idk lol

    iamb July 20, 2020 10:59 pm

    Now that I have read the last chapter, it's more than clear she is his wife, she has amnesia, and she had a transplant and somehow the guy who loved the donor got ahold of her and has renamed her the name of his lost love. Altho, he says she has memories of him,but I have heard things like that with transplant patients.

    otakuness July 20, 2020 11:47 pm
    Now that I have read the last chapter, it's more than clear she is his wife, she has amnesia, and she had a transplant and somehow the guy who loved the donor got ahold of her and has renamed her the name of hi... iamb

    isnt that kinda creepy? like he renamed her and shit. thats kinda possessive for a man who doesnt even really know her

    sen0 July 21, 2020 1:16 am
    isnt that kinda creepy? like he renamed her and shit. thats kinda possessive for a man who doesnt even really know her otakuness

    It's usually the case when he's crazy about the donor in these stories. They disregard the fact that she's a completely different person but since white haired probably died and FL has no memory, he could easily manipulate her for his own satisfaction. It is pretty sad.