
I totally agree with you that the seme is more considerate and careful with uke in their present life. In the past life the seme is Hosik's master so he was naturally more demanding and forceful, so understandable;)
Although I personally don't think the seme actually remembers their past life, he fell for Hosik after they met in the classroom, and from then on he didn't really change his way of acting towards Hosik, I think his possessiveness just comes naturally hahaha
the seme's possesiveness must have derive from remebing his past with the uke and the sudden painful lost of his beloved one. seme's possesiveness is caused by his fear of losing his soulmate unknowingly since he didnt know that his uke would die so young. which is why he install a gps, stalk, and employ guards for Hosik in the present life.
In the present time with Hosik, the seme is being more considerate and careful than what he did in his past life which he was forceful wiith the uke due to lack of something.
And yes the past have very strict ways and sodomy is frowned upon in the past compare to present time where there is more freedom/ less restrictions. Plus, he kept leaving hints that he remeber his past life. For instance, he said "...soulmates..." to Hosik in the beginning if you know what i mean.
I think im not the only one thinking like this too since the hints and raws are kinda obvious.
Anyway i love all the characters in this manhwa. Sad that we are almost (as in several more chaps) approaching the end of this manhwa. T-T
All in all i am merely speculating and interpreting it the way I think may be close to the truth.