
Momo June 29, 2020 9:22 am

Spoiler here
Her character was sooo good until the writer has her falling for the piece of crap ML for no real reason! Like someone else commented, he only seems to like her because she's new/ 'different'. He doesn't even know her real personality and habits, just the ones she has to show to nobility. And it's frustrating as hell that she's developing feelings for him when she was so reasonable about the whole situation before and after he left his mistress T_T There is absolutely no reason for her to like this son of a bitch, and it annoys me because part of her likability was that we are shown she realizes how shitty he is from the jump, and so looks out for a reasonable future for herself.
Urgggh! Excuse my ramblings, its just this manga had so much potential to be entertaining and this out of no-where shift squandered it for me T^T!

    Kana Soba June 29, 2020 12:23 pm

    Well I mean the trash is trying now and has changed his ways so the trust is comming back slowly and at least it's not at a ridiculous pace.

    Opal June 29, 2020 1:54 pm

    Really? Oh well, gonna drop this then. I was still staying because I thought that thing's will get better.