
Judo August 24, 2014 7:01 am

Didn't care for this all that much, all the smex seemed to be forced and not 'loving'. Blah.

    SamuraiSx September 21, 2015 8:59 pm

    oh kiddo... better learn something and read what;s appropriate for your years before jumping on the wheel with ignorant and stupid comments.

    dummy September 22, 2015 12:26 am
    oh kiddo... better learn something and read what;s appropriate for your years before jumping on the wheel with ignorant and stupid comments. SamuraiSx

    Wow the irony, she/he was just stating their opinion. Just because you don't agree with her/his opinion doesn't mean the comment was "ignorant and stupid". You are being immature by saying this, people have different tastes and that's okay. They are allowed to say they don't like something just as you are allowed to say you like it.
