Im kinda confused

NightmareWhisper June 28, 2020 12:23 pm

I thought people said this story was realistic? It doesnt seem realistic to me. Sure he threw up during the rape scene but it still seems like it was only a plot device. It didn't look like it really affected him I was expecting trama and maybe limping too. Plus he robbed him. Yea he called the cops but realistically no one would be trying to live with their rapist. I thought he would try and stay in a motel, hide from him or hell at least tell his mom. Im just disappointed people got my hopes up for a realistic story and its not. Kinda different from the usual rape stuff? Yes. Realistic? No. I do like the story though and art so im going to keep on reading it.

    citlaaaaaali June 28, 2020 1:04 pm

    he just used his thighs, I’m not trying to un - justify anything other than the part where you asked why he wasn’t limping

    Jtrichard July 6, 2020 5:36 am

    He lives with trauma for so long its easier to handle other things so long as the trigger doesn't outright triggering it (see him having traumatic break down in chapter two).

    Stay in the motel? He doesn't even have money. The money was bought back to him after his emotional break down. Dude become slightly better in chapter 3. Also the kid showed Stockholm syndrom because he's lonely and he can only interact with the guy barging into his house. He's also showing tendency to evade his problem instead of solving it tbh, especially if he asked other and they can't solve it for him.

    I don't know if he ever told his mom about his problem with those 'friends' from high school that's traumatic to him, so I'm not surprised if he won't tell his mother about this one too.

    This is realistic enough for me tbh. Hell, as a problematic kid, I wouldn't mind having a seme like him barging into my house as long as he can help me solving my problem and giving emotional support I can never got from my parents.