Someone please help me

sascha June 27, 2020 7:36 am

I feel really stupid. Ive been reading yaoi webtoon. It went on hiatus, but not sure if its back.Its a really cute comedy. A gen x-er and his friends have a little start up with the mc's female bff as the mastermind. She always has the same dont bother me look on her face but cares deeply for mc. Mc is blonde and his hair always has catlicks. He slept with the president of the main company and then again under different circumstances. Hes fallen in love with the president and they were at a point where it seems the president has also fallen. There are 3 other team members who dont really add anything but occasional cuteness. The president has a kick ass secretary that I think is gonna hook up with MC's bff. President is big and beautiful with standout eyebrows.

    Anonymous June 27, 2020 7:42 am

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