Should have slap that piece of shit more n offer him no role

trash June 27, 2020 6:32 am

Should have slap that piece of shit more n offer him no role

    Silver Wolf June 28, 2020 11:41 pm

    She was offering the role to Sebastián, not Benny. She just offered her card to both of them

    trash June 29, 2020 12:40 am
    She was offering the role to Sebastián, not Benny. She just offered her card to both of them Silver Wolf

    Yeah but the fact she gave him a card meaning she will offer him job if it comes up

    Silver Wolf June 29, 2020 7:10 am

    Comadrin November 12, 2020 9:28 pm
    Yeah but the fact she gave him a card meaning she will offer him job if it comes up trash

    I can only imagine the kind of roles that she will feel Benedict is fit for. I can see him typecast as the toxic cad who has a fatal encounter with truck-kun or a reasonable facsimile for the rest of his career.

    SayerSong June 9, 2021 12:55 am
    I can only imagine the kind of roles that she will feel Benedict is fit for. I can see him typecast as the toxic cad who has a fatal encounter with truck-kun or a reasonable facsimile for the rest of his caree... Comadrin

    I would like to see him get a book of his own, for one reason and one reason only. I would like to see a FL treat HIM the way he treats everyone else. Cold and heartlessly. A FL that is independent and doesn't put up with ANY of his BS for even a second and has him thoroughly regretting EVERY SINGLE INFINTESIMAL DESICION and ACTION he has EVER made in his ENTIRE LIFE. I also wanna see her punch his lights out at least ONCE.

    On a more positive note, I would love to see a more sincere, genuine and loving story where Tracy and Sebastian fall in love while filming that period drama.