Yeah a person who offends others is so intelligent themselves :")
We are so stupid because we don't appreciate abusive relationships, rapes, very small progress (especially since the title is coming out since 2005?), not the best, repetitive writting in general and prolonged story to maximum so author would make the ends meet.

I never said that I was smart, in fact, I usually have 'F's' in my grade book!! It's hilarious that you're making such a huge fuss over a manga that you supposedly don't like!!!! Giving the time to reply to comments such as mine when you could've just ignored it!! It's soooo tots hilarious!! Also no, you're not stupid because you don't appreciate rapes and abusive relationships, you're stupid because you don't appreciate the reality in this manga! Most yaoi manga is full of hopes and dream, but shows the reality of relationships good and bad (Talking about Challengers as well.)! Also, the author works hard on this, you can tell by the character development in Souichi! Though, I will admit that recent chapters has been slow, but for all we know, they could be in a slump!! Finally, the progress isn't small, it's actually huge!! Not everyone falls in love right away or even accepts things with an open mind, it takes time and devotion for some people!!

How am I making such a big fuss? By writting few comments? You see I hate offensive people who use personal attacks. I don't understand how someone can't keep the level of the discussion on some decent standard. It's incomprehensible for me.
Ok your logic or rather lack of it is hilarious. I'm stupid because I don't appreciate mediocre (at best) writting and the reality in this manga and relationship? Toxic and abusive ones for sure. The manga is full of tropes, unrealistic tropes. From rape to love trope. Morinaga being the one who saved Souichi against his professor.... Then raping Senpai himself. Senpai still "falling" for him. Sigh.
And development IS there but still it's not really satisfying if you think how old this story is. Every volume has the same pattern as someone said. Both of them made some compromises, sex scene. The end. New volume. Few steps back, compromises. Sex scene.
Dostoyevsky, Mann and Proust should be jealous of such writting skills.

Lol, you ask how you're making a fuss??? Just look at what you're doing!!!! You're making come back comments on a subject that you claim to not like/care about!!!! It's sooooo freaking hilarious!!!!! Btw, gotta ask why you think that I'm offensive, and when did I personally attack you??? Also, why on earth are you calling the kettle black??? I'm genuinely curious! I'm just someone having a jolly ol' time messing with someone who obviously believes that they should have the last word!!! It's actually quite a funny and entertaining game!!!! So go ahead, keep trying to make your point, it'll just amuse me more and more!!!! Do you have anything else to say Amelia? I'm all eyes

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!!! Why the hell would you???? I seriously thought that you would have enough common sense to not reply!!! Did you not read what I just said??? I basically said that I don't give two craps about what you have to say, I'm just amused by the fact that you're engaging in a debate about something you obviously don't like!!!! Also, what???? Help me??? All you said was that I'm offensive!!! You didn't give me any references or anything like that! It's like an unsupported thesis!!! LOL!!!! Also, I have to get the last word?? Did you not see that I said that making you comment back on such an idiotic debate is entertaining???? Hahahahahaha!!!!! This is waaaaaay too hilarious!!!!! What's even more hilarious is that you actually believe that your words have any meaning in this conversation !!!!! Please tell me that you have more to say, dear Amelia!!! I'm having such a great time!!! You truly just made my day!!!
i seriously think the people saying that there's no relationship progress haven't read the first manga all the way to this chapter(thank you uploader!!) at first, souchi hated hanging out with morinaga when they started 'dating', but now they live together! and now souchi also sends lovey-dovey goodnight texts to morinaga, and finally gives an actual shit about morinaga!
we also have to remember that souchi is a TSUNDERE character, so he isn't the type to show or say what he feels.
and many may not know this, but one of the reasons why he's homophobic is because he got attacked by a professor in challengers (the og story)which may be why he's so defensive around gay people. and now he's in a gay relationship, it is hard to hate gays and suddenly become gay yourself.
last time, he even REFUSED having sex with morinaga, but now he's riding, reciprocating kisses, hugs,(masturbated twice to morinaga)and even OUTED HIS RELATIONSHIP TO HIS COWORKERS, telling them to keep it a secret because he knows what morinaga went through when he got outed, so he doesnt want morinaga to go through that again.
and honestly, if you aren't a fan of tsundere characters, you're never gonna like this story.