
fork June 25, 2020 1:57 pm

I really hope this doesn't turn in favor of the first seme. From his previous actions, while I don't know his past, he is NOT in love with him, and isn't now, and does not have any emotions specifically for the uke, he just enjoys control. Once that was taken away from him, he missed the control and the superiority feeling he got because the uke would do anything for him. Realistically speaking, in my opinion, from what I've gathered, the relationship will only continue to be toxic if continued.

I really hope this isn't another one of those "he hurt me but it's okay I love him" stories.
Of course, I may just not know dude's past but regardless, that's no excuse to treat someone the way he did, to use someone for their own self-satisfaction and ego.

I just plain do not like the guy. I do not believe he loves him and no matter how the story goes from here, I do not support them as a ship. Especially not with the things his homie said- that's not loving, that's obsession and possession. It's something most people feel and usually because they can't have it.
Yes, there are people who will feel that with their partner- jealousy is a common thing. But it does not equate to love and are not the main signs someone likes/loves someone.
Again, all just my opinion.
