So apparently from what I have read in the comments idk if its actually true but so many people comment this that I think it is...Im hoping its not tho :(
Dani will have her first boyfriend which ends up being her friends brother (YAAYYY CAUSE HE THE REAL HOTTIE IN THIS STORY) but then they break up idky and she ends up with white hair guy. I was really disappointed when I heard that. I liked her and black hair guy. I been shipping them this entire time. Plus they have waaaaayyyy more moments together than white hair guy.
I really hope this info is false tho. IM STILL SHIPPING MY SHIP IDC. I WONT ACCEPT ANYTHING ELSE

Ohhh ghad I mean her friends brother is really hot but like there's more lovey moments of chunyoung(black hair and and blue eyes, I think his hair is black) dan-I I also feel like the story is going nowhere because I read some spoilers and there's this another character I think it a new character,also if it's not a new character then i can't really remember names but like- the story is just going circles and I don't understand why she ended up with silver hair at first I ship them but I feel like silver hair guy like her friend more because let's say they have more lovey moment AND I AGREE I HOPE THIS IS FALSE AND I'M STILL SHIPPING chunyoung and dan-I
Ahhhh I've been shipping them from the start
And silver hair x her friend, and like can someone spoil me who she ended up with? : ( because I don't want too expect more because I don't want my heart to be broken in my ship AHHHHH