Ehmmmm jihyun isn't annoying if you don't like this carachter then don't insult him 'cause there are people like me that love him. He isn't a bad guy he just has a rough attitude due to his childhood and his father. Hooe u understand
Ehmmmm jihyun isn't annoying if you don't like this carachter then don't insult him 'cause there are people like me that love him. He isn't a bad guy he just has a rough attitude due to his childhood and his fa... Anime06
Mans put the guy he "loved" in hospital multiple amounts of times as well as people who were close with him BECAUSE THEY WERE RRIENDS hes a psycho
Ehmmmm jihyun isn't annoying if you don't like this carachter then don't insult him 'cause there are people like me that love him. He isn't a bad guy he just has a rough attitude due to his childhood and his fa... Anime06
Bruh, are you sure about that? Because if so, I hope you are not projecting this deluded fantasy of toxic relationship into reality. I hope so...
Bruh, are you sure about that? Because if so, I hope you are not projecting this deluded fantasy of toxic relationship into reality. I hope so... MOSHIYUSHI
No I don't approve this type of relationship but since this is a "manhwa" and jihyun is one of the main carachter he deserves as well to be happy. He can be happy woth chiwoo in the side story or with someone else in the main story. Understood? (⌒▽⌒)
No I don't approve this type of relationship but since this is a "manhwa" and jihyun is one of the main carachter he deserves as well to be happy. He can be happy woth chiwoo in the side story or with someone e... Anime06
Yeah, everyone deserves to be happy, but not by ruining a perfectly fine relationship
Jihyun is annoying why'd he have to come back