every damn time a new boy that likes sohwa comes

Uncultured swine June 23, 2020 9:41 pm

how many side bitches does Sohwa have

    Tmsmyaoi June 24, 2020 4:48 am

    I think 0

    Only Miha

    Uncultured swine June 24, 2020 9:06 am
    I think 0 Only Miha Tmsmyaoi

    ionno man he seems to like his father, rihan and now he used to have a bf da fuck be going on

    Tmsmyaoi June 25, 2020 10:42 pm
    ionno man he seems to like his father, rihan and now he used to have a bf da fuck be going on Uncultured swine

    His father could be just admiration..... a doting son.

    Rihan, what ever they had, it is over. After reading this I kind of feel Rihan was just a replacement for Miha. I have not read this in a while. I may have the lines messed up.
    It is chapter 12 or around that chapter. In the past he wanted to marry Rihan but when he was asking if Miha would be his after he got married he was blushing. I think his goal has was been Miha.

    Chungha was just pretending to test to see if showa had memory loss or not. This is said with him and Geum in the car afterward.

    According to Rihan. Showa has no one and only Miha is in his heart. I would believe him over Geum.

    I do get the feeling Showa is in love with Miha but is conflicted with his feelings of love and how his father raised him to be with thinking Miha is trash.

    That is why I think 0 only Miha. Without going into deeper details.