ey yo pizzagod

duygu June 23, 2020 12:13 pm

i totally get u my guy. i mean tbh ive never tried it, but i feel like i wouldnt like it. since its really weird to me when people mix sugary and salty food ... :000

and ye i love them. hope they get married asap

    Stop fetishising gay people June 23, 2020 1:03 pm
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    I personally don't like pineapples on pizza for the juiciness of the pineapple ruins the texture of the pizza dough.

    Also I agree that combination of sweet and salty can be tasty (esp chocolate with a hint of salt) but the taste of pineapple is too strong so the it is imbalanced

    AimuNoob June 23, 2020 1:29 pm
    I personally don't like pineapples on pizza for the juiciness of the pineapple ruins the texture of the pizza dough. Also I agree that combination of sweet and salty can be tasty (esp chocolate with a hint of s... Stop fetishising gay people

    Yeah totally get you the the juiciness of the pineapple is just ugh... and my sis makes fun of me coz she thinks I'm just being trendy hating pineapple pizza I'm like I never liked pineapple pizza every since I was a child and I like pineapples as pineapples don't add them to anything and raisins too I like eating raisins as snacks but I hate it when it's added to some kind of dish or bread

    duygu June 23, 2020 1:52 pm
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    yea well, we dont really do that in my country so ive never want out of my way and tried it. and like, even if i wanna try it, its not popular over here so i doubt that they would prepare it well if i asked for it. no need to attack me like that lmao. ig this is why pineapple over pizza discussions are so heated

    duygu June 23, 2020 1:55 pm
    Yeah totally get you the the juiciness of the pineapple is just ugh... and my sis makes fun of me coz she thinks I'm just being trendy hating pineapple pizza I'm like I never liked pineapple pizza every since I... AimuNoob

    bro my pineapple pizza knowledge is soo limited u dont even know,, like i learned it through social media in last 2 years. i was like ''whaaat fruits on PIZZA? okaaaaay'' i feel like this kind of reaction is similar to when old people hear about sushi and be like ''ew uncooked fish''. so i feel like all the hate towards it comes from cultural differences and long term habits.

    duygu June 23, 2020 2:06 pm
    Yeah totally get you the the juiciness of the pineapple is just ugh... and my sis makes fun of me coz she thinks I'm just being trendy hating pineapple pizza I'm like I never liked pineapple pizza every since I... AimuNoob

    AND SAMEEEE i love eating raisins alone or with hazelnuts or something. but like when someone puts them in breads or muffins n shit im like NO. but thats not a cultural thing thats just me loving salt to death.

    duygu June 23, 2020 8:38 pm
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    whoops sorry if u werent attacking. i felt like talking about delicacy and bringing up psychology in this silly topic was weird if you know what i mean? its fine if u werent attacking haha just the way you worded it sounded weird to me. i wasnt expecting to get a comment like that in this thread.

    bro i swear its my FIRST time hearing about mango curry n stuff. the only thing ive eaten that had salty and sweety tastes mixed together may be those sweet chilli sauces etc oops...

    another example i can give is yogurt with fruits. like, in turkey it wasnt a thing to put fruits in yogurt because yogurt was a food for us.. so it felt weird to eat it like a dessert. but now everyones kinda used to it so i guess its like you've said? survival instincts and not being used to it.

    and i can agree w @3 on mushy food being weird, that might also be a factor that makes people hate it. and i guess you can track that all the way back in psychology as well? since prefering your food hard seems to tell a lot about someone? idk man it just gets deeper n deeper as u dig in.