HOE ALERT! HOE ALERT! Hide your bfs, hide your fathers, hide your dog

Kloveschocolate June 22, 2020 10:40 pm

Cheating is a big NO NO!! Male or female you are a piece of shit for cheating. I hope the FL ends up alone. Her bf better dumps her and find someone else cuz he deserves better. The chief can get STDs or something if he gonna stick his dick for any hole.

    Nightingale June 25, 2020 7:20 pm

    Sorry but your dreams won't come true. I read the raw somewhere and he ends up with the boss and the bf was deeply hurt. :(

    Kloveschocolate June 25, 2020 10:55 pm
    Sorry but your dreams won't come true. I read the raw somewhere and he ends up with the boss and the bf was deeply hurt. :( Nightingale

    Woooow, just WOW! I bet the only reason why they broke up was she got caught. Damn poor bf. She’s trash and the boss is trash.

    Nightingale June 25, 2020 11:51 pm
    Woooow, just WOW! I bet the only reason why they broke up was she got caught. Damn poor bf. She’s trash and the boss is trash. Kloveschocolate

    Yes, because they got caught