ugh this is pretty fucking racist

Lowkeydying June 22, 2020 7:24 pm

ugh this is pretty fucking racist

    skinsuit June 22, 2020 7:29 pm

    ..........explain please

    Yellys June 22, 2020 7:40 pm


    Wren June 22, 2020 7:53 pm

    I'm confused how?

    ripalexei June 22, 2020 8:18 pm

    huh how?

    faghot June 22, 2020 8:31 pm

    you mean "based"

    Blissfill June 22, 2020 9:06 pm

    How? Plz explain.

    Yaoifan1010 June 22, 2020 9:38 pm

    U literally have 8 people confuzzled on why u think this is 'pretty fucking racist' so plse explain. Oh and btw, do u even know if he is black or did u assume that a dark skinned person is.
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Hitomi Yagami June 22, 2020 10:22 pm

    Let's suppose you're right... Wouldn't it be better to explain so these ten people can understand? I mean, honestly there's been so much I didn't know about racism these last weeks but I learned

    BBhomemaker June 22, 2020 10:39 pm

    I think I understand what you're trying to stay and why you wouldn't respond to comments saying their "confused" or "explain". A racist is someone who believes other races are inferior and theirs is superior. Someone who lives in a hut, is scared of technology, and wears loincloths could be considered 'inferior' because that group has not made any advancements in science or technology. (Some societies take developments in science/tech and math to mean you are intelligent and better) PLUS the whole bowing down and worshiping a pale "god-like" figure because he is of lighter complexion and can fix a radio kind of suggests superiority. I can understand why you'd say racism...and why someone else would say its just a manga and to relax. BUT I THINK, you have the right to feel the way you do and do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

    SuckThatLollipop June 22, 2020 11:49 pm
    U literally have 8 people confuzzled on why u think this is 'pretty fucking racist' so plse explain. Oh and btw, do u even know if he is black or did u assume that a dark skinned person is. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Yaoifan1010

    Dude... It doesn't matter if the character is black or not, you can be racist against someone of any race, that's just not how racism works. And this whole manga falls into some pretty strong stereotyping about indigenous people, like it's a lot of little things like their names being unpronounceable and it being hyper sexualised and the guy not understandimg social cues so much that he sexually assualts the main character, and then the native people worshipping the white character. That's just not how indigenous people act and it's relying heavily on some pretty racist stereotypes instead.

    Blissfill June 23, 2020 1:11 am
    Dude... It doesn't matter if the character is black or not, you can be racist against someone of any race, that's just not how racism works. And this whole manga falls into some pretty strong stereotyping about... SuckThatLollipop

    The only reason why they worshipped him is cuz the bilingual dude (idk his name) told his people that he was a god, so they could trust him. I don't see how this is racist at all (IK you didn't say that, but still). I mean if we wanna talk racism here, there was a bl on here last year where it literally made fun of black people. The comments were all negative and the manga was removed within 24 hours. Seeing as this manga is pretty much filled with positive comments and will probably still be here tomorrow, I don't think it racist. I think this person was saying that becuz they thought it'd be funny or something, and it wasn't. Hence the lack of response.

    Wren June 23, 2020 7:29 am
    Dude... It doesn't matter if the character is black or not, you can be racist against someone of any race, that's just not how racism works. And this whole manga falls into some pretty strong stereotyping about... SuckThatLollipop

    He's Asian not white. The reason they worshipped him was because of his translator telling them that he's a god and the fact that they've never seen someone of the same skin. Also dude tf. You are reading a yaoi, its already hypersexualised. Most yaoi at this budget ain't that good and just tries to be full sex than anything else. This entire comment reminded me of a video I watched a while. Probably outdated but it shows something different.

    Lowkeydying June 23, 2020 8:06 am

    Okay so many things to unpack - first I did not respond to any of these comments till now because I don't spend hours upon hours on this website nor get notifcations. Both BBhomemaker and SuckThatLollipop have eloquently explained the reasoning behind my comment. And frankly I'm fucking sick and tired of Japanese artist using colonial sterotypes of Black and obviously in this case Indigenous people. Just because the creater and intended audience is Asian does not make this manga any less racist.

    Lowkeydying June 23, 2020 8:23 am
    Let's suppose you're right... Wouldn't it be better to explain so these ten people can understand? I mean, honestly there's been so much I didn't know about racism these last weeks but I learned Hitomi Yagami

    Hi so I did not repsond to any comments because I stopped reading mango soon after I posted this. I'm really glad that you've up to learning more about racism. There are several other comments by other people in this thread that sum up my reasoning, but simiply put, in the two chapter I read, the indigiounous character is protrayed with several characteristics that are based on racist tropes that date back to colonial Spain.

    In North and South America indiguounous people are some of the poorest in the continents. Their land is currently being taken, particularly in Brazil, by government back corrperations. I bring this up becuase the current dynamics of indiguounous people and their government are shaped by peoples perceptions of indigunouns people. When sterotypes like the ones potrayed in this manga are apart of the global peception of indigunous people, which they clearly are, considering this is a Japanese comic published for Japanese readers, Governments like Brazil, the US or Austrialia etc lack any insentive to change.

    Lowkeydying June 23, 2020 8:36 am
    The only reason why they worshipped him is cuz the bilingual dude (idk his name) told his people that he was a god, so they could trust him. I don't see how this is racist at all (IK you didn't say that, but st... Blissfill

    Bro this was not a funny comment - I am dead serious. Just because there are other manga in the world that more racist then this one does not mean it does not portray racist sterotypes - it does.

    And positive comments have no correlation to how racist a manga is. People clearly don't care and thats not surprising its mangago - more the half of the manga here is fulled with rape. I think very few mangago readers care about morals in fiction, they care more about sex scenes and thats totally fine. Each to their own.

    But racist tropes are different because they perpetrate narratives created by coloanial Europeans to justify the enslavement and gencide of native peoples. These sterotypes are still being used today by government and corrperations to take away land and economic opprotunities from indigiunious peoples. It is never justified for artist to use such tropes and we should all be calling out manga artists, whenever we see such content.