Clearing up some confusion for the 2nd season

kanamegane June 22, 2020 4:58 pm

Saw some people confused about the 2nd season, here's a few main clarifying points (feel free to ask more questions in the replies and I'll do my best to answer!)

-Seolhyun and Hwa met when they were younger and due to a traumatic incident had their memories erased by Ino. Seol-hyun remembers Hwa (because he begged Ino to keep his memories) but Ino erased his memory that he's a female Lycan. So Seol-hyun DOESN"T know he's a female Lycan, but Hwa was able to figure it out.
-Seol-hyun is pregnant because he's a female Lycan, Hwa knows but Seol-Hyun doesn't
-Ino let Seol-hyun's parents go even though they were precious females causing the leader of the Lycans to be upset at Ino. Ino then tried to take Hwa Gok but we all know that didn't work out because of Lee Bin zaddy.
- Because Seol-Hyun's parents are both female Lycans, he's considered a "rare mutant" that is much more aggressive. He himself doesn't know this!
