I'm very happy he found out the truth, tbh I'm not sure about the rest of you guys, but I felt sad for Aria. The presents meant for her were given to that bitch Meille. I know this ain't gonna happen but I kinda want them to take the stuff given to the bitch back to Aria. Or one up her and Aria makes her suffer (and Aria and Prince can be power couple and rule together as badasses)
I'm very happy he found out the truth, tbh I'm not sure about the rest of you guys, but I felt sad for Aria. The presents meant for her were given to that bitch Meille. I know this ain't gonna happen but I kinda want them to take the stuff given to the bitch back to Aria. Or one up her and Aria makes her suffer (and Aria and Prince can be power couple and rule together as badasses)