oh shit i forgot about that still though she knows that his business as a cruel authority figure is separate from her. he never abused her or treated her cruelly from what i remember. i feel like she forgot abt that shi real quick and focused more on ain and how his training was too tough. she’s tryna be a martyr and save ain but doesn’t recognize that her actions to intentionally ostracize the duke could be harmful. what if the duke’s reaction to be ignored wasnt sadness or loneliness but anger? twisted anger toward her or his own son. if he really was as evil as she thought he was he would probably have kicked her ass by now maybe im misremembering stuff bc i didnt really care enough to pay super close attention to anything

She should understand that they were raised in a totally different environment compared to her previous life. I mean she read the book, does she expect them to have grown up normally. The Duke is surrounded by all sides and is at risk of being overpowered by the nobles if he lets his guard down. And u don't expect him to have never been poisoned before? This is a scheming kingdom not ur safe/sane 21st century. I feel if I was in the Duke's position, I would rather get angry at how she's spouting off so naively than try to win her over. The way she is now she can be pretty easy prey and how does he not notice that she's changed, he acknowledges that Ain has to be strong but doesn't ur wife have to be strong too? For the family to not be looked down upon? But he lets her behavior pass? Honestly I was loooking forward to her being kind and raising Ain in a more subtler way, like now she's practically spoiling him outright. I was hoping she would care from him from behind the lines and slowly get closer.
i mean... i don’t know why its hard for her to see the duke is capable of change too. i know he’s scary to her, but he’s human too. he’s also demonstrated that he is capable of treating her well, and he’s shown interest in her. i didn’t get the complaints about the female protag before but now i’m starting to understand where its coming from i still like her i just think she’s a little air headed and scared considering the situation she was brought into. i just wish she had a bit more awareness and understanding. like at least try to get along with your HUSBAND, who you’re going to live with until you die. i hope im not forgetting or misremembering anything