I love this story but...

Nanami of Mikage Shrine June 22, 2020 6:07 am

Like what a commenter said below, I can’t help imagine if Yeni only hinted at what she knows. Describing what she experienced during her first encounter with Soleia would’ve been enough. Just describe the black hands dragging her down. Father would have made the correct conclusions with just that moment. But keeping it to herself and trying to solve things her way, I see it as nothing more than the author’s way of making her the hero of the novel’s universe. I love this webtoon but I can’t help but wonder how things would turn out if FL was more proactive.

    nao217 June 22, 2020 2:23 pm

    Actually in the novel she did mention to eru that there were "invisible hands" but was dismissed by eru. I was wondering why such a detail was left out in the manhua but ye, it did happen, in the novel tho