Still, he's probably not treated well due to being blind, and I never that he was helpless, just disadvantaged. But being stronger than her won't help if she can run away or hide. And it would be harder for him to ask around on where to ransom her with out him risking others harming him to take her. He might be able to hold her down, but not so sure about others that might want to harm her. So in retrospect him harming her would bring just as much harm to him, so he posses less of a danger. However, blind or not she shouldn't have followed him. But I guess the story won't progress if she doesn't.

Being blind would help boost his other senses, meaning he still has hearing, and I’m pretty sure he knows the place better than someone with sight.
I already said this to someone else, but yeah, it’s very likely someone would just steal her from him
Yeah that’s why I was saying lol, it’s still dangerous no matter if he’s blind or not

You didn't sound angry at all. If that were my daughter she never would have snuck out of the house. I mean she went through a freaking magic barrier! How did that NOT set off alarms somewhere? If she were my child shed have bells on every damn thing, and she'd know better than to talk to, much less follow, strangers. The problem is, there is not a child in that body, that body may be small but the mind is not, and my mother always said that after 14 years of age, no matter how well raised a child is they are old enough to make up their own minds and choose between what's right and wrong. So her choices may not be wise, but her mind e isn't that of a child, so what could anyone really do other than physically stop her from following strange men?
I know he's probably not evil but isn't it pretty stupid for a filthy rich (easy to ransom), vulnerable, little girl to follow some random grown ass man into his house in the middle of the slums?