no baby there is nothing wrong with you l am the same with you l am a girl l love yaoi shounen ai but l do not hate shoujo manga but l hate a girl who always cry and beg but cant do to anything and l read yaoui manga every single day

i'm the same i love yaoi and i really dislike shoujo (with the exception of 3) for some reason i just mad at the main character of a shoujo.

I know what you mean I love yaoi the only shooujo I like as of right now is skip beat I remember when I first started being an otoku I read a lot of shoujo but would get anoyed with the main character half way through yaoi is just more awsome and you get more hyped when crazy stuff happen

Nope, I am the same. I hate shoujo, not all of it.

im the same as you.. but i read shoujo with badass female. that is the only thing that doesnt get me annoyed..

тhankyou (^.^)
but sometime i got scared when read yaoi there got raped scene or betrayal
n stop read them.
and for shoujo i am really" don't wan to touch them , coz i have allready hate it so don't wan hate them more . .

Same here. It all depends on the character when it comes to a female protagonist in shoujo mangas. I usually find the girls extremely annoying and whenever i read yaoi, its so different and fascinating. The chemistry between the couples are far more impacting in my opinion.

For me it's all about the writing, give me a shoujo with good characters, plot and art and you've got me. Do the same with yaoi, excellent, rock on! Give me crap writing, bad art, cliche scenarios and I'll hate on you whether I'm "supposed" to like it or not. lol Just like give me a girl who cries and weeps over a guy and I'm like BORING AND STUPID, give me a guy in a yaoi who does the same thing and again I'm like BORING AND STUPID! lol

hahahaha , thankyou guys u make my day a bit clear
n i do undestand what u guys thinking and i have the same way
so have a good time , everyone . ^_^

hope we can got talk abt other thing next. time .

I am in love with yaoi mangas but shoujos are my greatest dislikes
i am a girl , i love yaoi so much n i hate shoujo too much
why in my eye men x men was so cute beautiful n touching my heart ,, (-_-)
is there something wrong with me , ,