I feel like Aeju is giving us hints that he is pregnant. The first was the last of season 1 and now chapter 49. I mean Aeju made a point of showing Doyun touching/rubbing his stomach in three panels. (that has to mean something.) My other theory is it could be b/c Taehan had exploded inside of Doyun and he likes the feeling of Taehan's cum inside him.
you guys sound like desperate, pathetic housewives. Don't get mad at me. You really are coming across that way. every chapter you comb for any little hint and see stuff where there's nothing to see. What makes you like this? I'm really curious... for real. It's completely foreign to me to be hungering and thirsting for pregnancy. I'm not trying to be mean. I really am curious. I really don't get what's so great about havivng babies and getting pregnant
Sorry did my post offend you in any way? It’s just a story, I’d never look for clues if someone was prego in real life like housewives. I do it with all books, and not just for pregnancy. Like looking for clues in a book if they like another character etc. It’s just fictional characters and books sometimes have clues.
No, of course not! I'm the one with all the issues. LOL. I like this story a lot, and a lot of what I say is just badly worded curiosity. ha I, too, live vicariously through manga and books. I don't have any kids, so stuff really puzzles me sometimes. sorry to hear of infertility problems of your family, especially those who want kids. that's just so unfair.
I've watched in amazement the women in my family really actually literally get high off of talking about having a babies, LOL so I get that it happens, I just don't understand it.
Any idea why he was holding his stomach that way?