should I drop

Faybk June 21, 2020 6:03 pm

this whole thing is all getting a bit tedious .....the main guy xiangyao is not really making me that excited to continue reading.. and this haram is out of nowhere . its like the writer is getting a bit lost.

    Jayjay June 21, 2020 7:36 pm

    The problem is the endgame pairings seem established from the moment the characters appear: the pink haired illegitimate cousin has the blond-haired foreign companion, the seme's little blond-haired sister will probably end up with that friend who secretly likes her... And the mc with the seme. The only exciting couple is Zhuo x Jiashi (grey haired boss guy x brown haired friend of the seme). Everyone else's endgame partner smacks of pretty much established... so there's little fun in that.