It's good but annoying at times (RANT) (me picking faults)

Someone June 21, 2020 1:53 am

I like the MC and all (his powers are cool and more original compared to other isekai) BUT some annoying points kinda ruin it for me.
First: It's harem, idk maybe other people wouldn't consider it harem since the MC so far doesn't seem to be romantically involved with multiple girls. But the people he interacts with (are friends with) are ALL GIRLS otherwise it's old men. Being transported to a fantasy world, he meets a girl who works at the guild, the person in charge of that guild is a woman, and he's finally getting some teammates now except it's an all female group(of which the fox is real nosy and annoying, if it were me, I'd immediately ask for a change in bodyguards ngl).TF is that, even if there were gonna be girls at least make it a mixed group, ya know give MC some guy friends too(and don't say he has guy friends, that guy from the brother sister pair was just a brief party member, MC's real guy friends are 2 old men he consistently interacts with). To me the whole manga is in the grey area of being harem or not. Seems like its trying to not have a harem but also can't keep it's focus giving into the fanservice of MC being surround by "beauties".

Second: MC seems to just take a lot of things he's given, a lil bit of a pushover to me but you could also just call him peaceful and unpromblematic. But MC's conditions for making the map was for his skills and him being the map maker being kept confidential. But like everyone seems to know? lol not exactly confidential in my terms. Or idk maybe its only known to certain adventure groups at the camp but considering how the 2 guys from the other group asked MC to teach them his mapping skills, I doubt it's really gonna stay confidential. There's also the treatment from that group. Again if it were me, I'd ask to get better treatment since MC is a key significant part of the labyrinth, they know how valuable and good his maps are. Or at te very least, question why other groups now know he's the creator of the maps.

This makes it so hard for me to fully enjoy the manga since it has such a cool concept/idea. I guess I just like MC soloing it more. Last thing, I think this is the thing about isekai that makes it hard for me to enjoy but often times, MC is just an average guy who's best points are that he's "kind" and a "hardworker" which are pretty common traits, it's just that MC happens to have some OP skill. Then the rest is him trying to accomplish some goal or none at all while girls flock to him. Not saying this manga is terrible tho, it's ok but there are definitely better mangas.

    Conqueror January 21, 2021 2:31 am

    Might be considered spoiler.

    If u read the novel, u wouldn't consider this a harem. At least not upp til the latest chapters, Like 100+. Yes there are females he interacts with. Although they are quite friendly, there is no like sexual "tension" between them. Or boob grabbing or stuff like that.( at least from what i remember) the only is one bae. And lots of the story focuses on his skills, adventure and trying to get revenge on evil god. And his interest in bae, the receptionist. (=・ω・=)