
Kyokocinnamon June 20, 2020 5:51 pm

Why does everyone hate Jeanette so much? I actually feel kinda bad for her.. I mean, she's honestly a pure white lotus, but if she weren't associated with Claude, she'd just be a normal, nice little girl! If you look at it from her perspective, even if she tried to defend Athy, it would've been like she was desperately trying to cover up Athy's "wrongdoings" and make her look even more pitiful, though that wasn't what she intended to express.
Plus, this is just a speculations, but I have a feeling that Ezekiel liked Athanasia even in the original novel, which is +1 pity points on Jeanette..
Then again, I still do feel bad for the MC herself who got wound up in all this mess and the original Athanasia who was unloved.

    Dig Bick June 20, 2020 5:59 pm

    Oops meant to dislike, sorry BYE-

    InsomniacEnigma June 20, 2020 6:26 pm

    Don't worry, I totally agree with u. Maybe there is a spoiler that's going around that may cause ppl to hate her? Idk. Tbh, I also feel bad for the gal, she just wants a true family... :/

    Maybe they just hate her for being in the way of the mc or for being too innocent? It seems that being simple and soft/weak-minded is considered disgraceful nowadays; especially with the trend of prideful and strong characters, many ppl just hates the weak characters for now reason... especially when they r not the mc ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    InsomniacEnigma June 20, 2020 6:29 pm

    Quite toxic eh? Even masculine toxicity is merging with equality xD it's equal toxicity now

    mioamato June 20, 2020 6:37 pm

    I wasn't going to comment but here I am. I don't necessarily HATE jeannette, no. I just dislike her is all. She's nice, yes, but her overall naivete is particularly dislikable imo. As one other commenter in this site previously said, she's so passive, while all others are already making headways into things they want because everything gets handed to her. She doesn't push and that's the problem for me. If she believes that she's a princess then why isn't she doing more? More active participation in politics, heck just even thinking with less naivete would be nice since WMMAP isn't all that politically detailed like AE. Like, she just waits until everything gets handed to her. Sure she has those moments but overall? No. And don't even get me started with the entitlement that comes with her naivete. Gosh, look back at those tea parties. All of them were there for Athy (for connections) but they were still polite as befitting of their station, saying "thank you for inviting us yada yada yada". Whereas Jeanette just straights up recommends herself alone. Nasty. TBH, she's like one of those "oh im going to this stupid thing bcs who'd hurt me im the princess oops they're hurting me help im sorry for getting you in danger i only wanted to help and be there for you teehee" kind of shoujo protag and I'm not a fan.

    TL,DR: Jeanette is naive, and entitled in the stupid shoujo female MC kind of way; I'm not a fan. Also, I wrote this after waking up so I think I'm not making sense but ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Liliane June 20, 2020 6:40 pm

    I’ve always thought she was sort of pathetic. She just wants to be loved and is very innocent, but she’s basically cursed

    Naomiyaki June 20, 2020 6:56 pm
    I wasn't going to comment but here I am. I don't necessarily HATE jeannette, no. I just dislike her is all. She's nice, yes, but her overall naivete is particularly dislikable imo. As one other commenter in thi... mioamato

    YES this is it! I could never quite put into words why I didn’t like Jenette that much and u explained it perfectly! I would also like to add that the author seems to be making subtle imagery to project jenette as an obstacle to Claude and athys true reuniting. For example, in jenettes mind she’s in the middle of Claude and athy when she pictures them as a family.

    mioamato June 20, 2020 6:59 pm
    Don't worry, I totally agree with u. Maybe there is a spoiler that's going around that may cause ppl to hate her? Idk. Tbh, I also feel bad for the gal, she just wants a true family... :/ Maybe they just hate h... InsomniacEnigma

    Being simple minded is not disgraceful or whatever. In the first place, Jeanette isn't supposed to be simple minded. She was boasted once by Mr. White as an intelligent kid. Of course, she still can't be compared to Athy, Ijekiel and Lucas but ffs you can't say "she's just a teenager it's expected that she can't keep up". She grew up under Mr White, and she didn't learn anything about politics? And I get it, she seems simple minded but she isn't supposed to be. That's the point.

    mioamato June 20, 2020 7:03 pm
    YES this is it! I could never quite put into words why I didn’t like Jenette that much and u explained it perfectly! I would also like to add that the author seems to be making subtle imagery to project jenet... Naomiyaki

    Yes, I was going to bring that up but didn't bcs they're just going to say "she just wants a family poor child" again. I'm sick of that excuse.

    Minatobro June 20, 2020 7:19 pm

    I’ll tell you why most people hate her. From my point of view she’s way too naive, innocent and gullible. These are not bad traits themselves however when a person is too naive, innocent and gullible it causes harm not only to themselves but others as well. In this case her naivety is causing great harm to others and not to herself. She’s very inconsiderate and selfish too. Even when she sees someone is having problems she’ll choose to ignore it and not think about it. She’s not doing this out of spite but because of her naivety and obliviousness. Someone who sees someone else in trouble but still does nothing to help them and just keeps basking in their own happiness is indeed hateful because you know the reason they’re ignoring your suffering is because they themselves are happy and nothing else matters to them than their own happiness . That’s what she has been doing for a long time in the present timeline also including in the novel. In the novel when she was recognised by Claude she was in a position of power. She could have helped Athy so much. She could’ve tried mending Athy’s and Claude’s relationship. If she tried standing up for Athy many things would have been better for Athy but she didn’t do any of that. The reason she didn’t help her is not because others would think she’s trying to defend Athy’s wrong doings. What wrong doings did Athy even do though? She did nothing wrong. She was the one suffering, she was the victim. She didn’t help Athy because a golden path had already been laid in front of Jeanette. She didn’t help Athy because she didn’t need to. She was basking in her own happiness so she didn’t notice Athy’s suffering . She chose to feign ignorance to Athy’s struggles because to Jeanette her happiness mattered most. Her ignorance was camouflaged by her innocence and naivety that’s why people think she’s completely innocent which she is not. It was because of her Athy died in the first place. She didn’t trust Athy and didn’t try to save her even when Athy was so nice, loving and helpful to her. She let her be killed. Also when we talk about Ijekiel not loving Jeanette in the first life as well I don’t think that’s pitiful for Jeanette. I think it’s natural that Ijekiel won’t romantically love a woman who he thought of as a younger sibling. Not everyone can have the one they love. If Jeanette didn’t get Ijekiel’s love it’s okay because she got everything else even when it came at the expense of Athy’s suffering and death. In the current timeline Jeanette behaved similar. She knew Athy was away from her home and wandering around for a long time. She must have known Athy would be suffering but she did nothing. She didn’t show any worry or concern to Athy. She was just happy Athy visits her that’s it. She didn’t try to help her even when she was meeting Claude. To Jeanette it was the best time of her life when Athy was visiting her and when she was meeting Claude. She didn’t care if Athy was suffering being away from her home and that Claude was very sick, sleepless and obviously tired. When Ijekiel told Athy to stay with them instead of being happy and relieved for her she was jealous and upset because Athy relied on Ijekiel and because Jeanette wanted Athy to herself only. That’s selfishness. A bit after that Jeanette took an initiative to talk to Claude about Athy. Well better late than never but still she did that way too late. She should’ve done that sooner or she should have tried helping Athy in some other way before before Ijekiel. She’s also very dumb because she isn’t even trying to investigate the actual reason they are keeping her hidden. If she’s so confident that Claude and Athy would love her once they know she’s family than why are they keeping her hidden. If she really is Claude’s daughter what is the need to lie about her identity. A normal person even if they are young, innocent and sheltered would think this is definitely strange and that something is wrong. They would try to find out the reason but she just continues being dumb and naive. She continues to want to remain ignorant. She just wants to remain under the delusion of an ideal family waiting for her. She doesn’t want to bother looking for the truth that could possibly ruin that ideal.

    InsomniacEnigma June 20, 2020 11:51 pm

    :3 Interesting. From what Ive gathered, she's too naive, gullible, oblivious, selfish, idealistic(?). She is intelligent, but not socially intelligent?. She really fits the sheltered character type.

    I've encountered actual ppl like this irl, so it's interesting to see how the ppl hate her here, but I seldom see it irl. Interesting; probably the context?

    lucia_luce June 21, 2020 3:28 am
    :3 Interesting. From what Ive gathered, she's too naive, gullible, oblivious, selfish, idealistic(?). She is intelligent, but not socially intelligent?. She really fits the sheltered character type. I've encoun... InsomniacEnigma

    Yes the context, she didn't do anything when athy died in the first life, and she basically also enjoying her happiness from athy's sufferings for idk how many chapters before she eventually realized and mentioning athy to claude

    mioamato June 21, 2020 8:04 am
    I’ll tell you why most people hate her. From my point of view she’s way too naive, innocent and gullible. These are not bad traits themselves however when a person is too naive, innocent and gullible it cau... Minatobro

    That was very long but PREACH!!!! You went over almost everything that i wanted to write but couldn't find the words for. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Kyokocinnamon September 30, 2020 1:17 am
    I’ll tell you why most people hate her. From my point of view she’s way too naive, innocent and gullible. These are not bad traits themselves however when a person is too naive, innocent and gullible it cau... Minatobro

    I do agree with your point of view, and honestly, I don't like her much myself, but I wouldn't diss her because it wasn't really her fault that she was born with such a white lotus personality. Those types of people are just too naive and cannot think for themselves until its too late, but for some reason I can kinda relate to that, which is why I pity her.
    I was just kind of thinking now that Athy had transmigrated and is surrounded by love (like Jeanette in the original novel), whild Jeanette slowly blackens, wouldn't Jeanette end up suffering the same fate as Athy had in the original novel? And in the end, with the wish of only wanting to be loved by someone she gets punished/executed for something bad she did out of jealousy (or idk) while Athy and the others live a nice and carefree life?

    Kyokocinnamon September 30, 2020 1:18 am
    I’ll tell you why most people hate her. From my point of view she’s way too naive, innocent and gullible. These are not bad traits themselves however when a person is too naive, innocent and gullible it cau... Minatobro

    However, considering the fact that I'm writing at 3:00 AM this with my last braincell, you can just choose to ignore what I said, cause even I don't know what nonsense I'm spouting~

    Minatobro October 4, 2020 9:08 pm
    However, considering the fact that I'm writing at 3:00 AM this with my last braincell, you can just choose to ignore what I said, cause even I don't know what nonsense I'm spouting~ Kyokocinnamon

    I think the difference is that no matter what Jeanette does to Athy, whether it’s because of jealousy or just because of her black magic, Athy would never let Jeanette get hurt in anyway. She would never lose faith in her and always trust her. She would always protect her. She’s always cared for Jeanette’s happiness. When anything happened and Jeanette was unhappy Athy was always there to comfort her and to help with what she could but that was never done by Jeanette in the first and current timeline. Jeanette just basked in her own happiness without thinking about the unhappiness she was causing others. Athy never thought this way. She’s always mindful and always thinks maybe she’s stealing Jeanette’s unhappiness when that’s not the case because that happiness was never Jeanette’s in the first place. She never stopped Jeanette from meeting with Claude in the present timeline. She never resented Jeanette for what happened in the novel. She never overlooked Jeanette’s unhappiness. She never hurt Jeanette and always protected and defended her even in front of Claude. Athy did the same in the first timeline as well. None of this has ever been done by Jeanette in any timeline. So no, I don’t think Jeanette would suffer like Athy did in the novel because Athy will always love and protect her. Her wish to be loved isn’t wrong by any means but I think what she needs to realise is that the kind of happiness she wants isn’t the happiness that’s meant for her. In life we aren’t always fortunate enough to get everything we ask for but still we have to continue on with our lives and try to find happiness in what we already have. Her happiness is to be a family with Claude and Athy and that isn’t wrong in itself but in order to obtain that she’ll cause much more sorrow on to others. Her happiness shouldn’t lie in being a family with Claude and Athy. She’s need to search for happiness elsewhere because this is not where it lies. This unfortunately can only be realised by her after everything is said and done.