Scroll down you'll see your Question.
Click on it and there will be a delete button somewhere just look for it ;))
Hope it helps.
Couldn’t find the button, thanks for trying though! Maybe I should’ve clarified it more? I can’t find the delete button at all. It can also be called a, “Thing” like one of those questions you see on the side about first kiss or something. I’ve unfollowed it but the notifications are still there and alive.
No there is no report button lol go to any manga scroll down a bit little bit and on the left of the page you'll see a small white flag (I hope you find it easily) click on it you'll see ''Other problem (please specify)'' state the reason " Please delete this question: (Link of the question)'' and click report that is bright green on top of that window.
I hope this is easy to understand and if you find everything easily report the problem 2 times so that they won't ignore it??
How do you delete a question on managago? Not a topic but a question. I keep getting notifications for that one question I made around two years ago and I’m not even into the thing I made the question about.