
No, I really get her not wanting to marry. That's completely reasonable but if the guy comes to you willingly and gives some indication that he wants to a part of the child's life and wants to take responsibility I wouldn't expect her to say 'This is not your child' especially when it obviously is. Or when she finds out he's the chairman she assumes he going to harass her or fire her. I guess I'm just a person that believes that when a parent wants to be a part of a child life they shouldn't be denied that right unless they have some negative effect or are a total scum bag
Okay, I completely understand why she doesn't want to marry him. But, why does she think of like he's the worse scum in the world. Maybe not the worst because there's that other guy but he says one thing and she thinks it has a double meaning on an entirely different spectrum. I kinda feel bad for him LOL