Maybe some people got tired already with the game but i personaly really enjoy it (as long...

Violet June 19, 2020 1:32 pm

Maybe some people got tired already with the game but i personaly really enjoy it (as long seidou is the winner i'll always enjoy it lol). I love to see how strong seidou right now than before. Also i want to treasure the moment when the 3rd year still in seidou before their graduate, coz when their times out, we'll never see miyuki and friends playing baseball with 1st and 2nd year again :')

    Kuna June 19, 2020 3:59 pm

    For real. I think some people forget what this manga is really about

    Violet June 19, 2020 6:08 pm
    For real. I think some people forget what this manga is really about Kuna

    Ikr. In my opinion, it's about the whole team. I'm sure the author want to portrayed how the 3rd year got a lot of progress before their graduate, how big the chance of the 1st year to become stronger in the future, and especially for furuya as sawamura's rival, the author want to show us that he's a strong pitcher. I think Furuya feels like a 'high wall' that sawamura should to climb up till he can surpass (eventho i'm sure sawamura has already surpassed him), thats why furuya got alot spotlight.
    I know, but can u imagine, if sawamura can surpass a strong pitcher like furuya, how strong he(sawamura) could be? In the end, the author want to show us how great eijun sawamura as a pitcher even he can surpass a strong pitcher like furuya easily. But before that, the author want to tell us how high 'the wall' that (no matter how high it is) sawamura can surpass it. Later, there'll come a chance sawamura to shine and will showing his greatness as our main pitcher, but this 'later' made some people got impatient since it has a slow paced (I think this is the one of many reason, haha),

    but i'm not bothered it at all, with this slow paced. As long as i can see seidou playing baseball, the whole team, then i don't mind to wait^^ i mean i love seidou so much, they're so precious and i really enjoy all their match :D

    Ah..This is my opinion, well everyone have their opinion and perception haha.

    But still no matter what it is, let the whole team to shine (especially the 3rd year, they'll graduate really soon omfg didn't u sad? :'(( ), and then the author can focus on sawamura after this.
    And me too, i hope that moment (when sawamura get a lot of spotlight as seidou's ace) will come soon :))

    KunaShiro June 19, 2020 7:43 pm
    Ikr. In my opinion, it's about the whole team. I'm sure the author want to portrayed how the 3rd year got a lot of progress before their graduate, how big the chance of the 1st year to become stronger in the fu... Violet

    Haha yes! I’m all for the slow burn and third years. I can’t wait for Eijun to find his place within the team and for everyone to have their moments too. You’re right because regardless the second years still have a chance next year, but for Miyuki’s arc he needs to be able to defeat Mei which is looking harder and harder at the moment so it will be interesting to see him as a newly reinvented pitcher after he ran away from what was supposed to Seido’s revenge. But to be honest this is all my opinion so it doesn’t really matter, I’m just really glad to see someone I agree with.

    Violet June 19, 2020 9:08 pm
    Haha yes! I’m all for the slow burn and third years. I can’t wait for Eijun to find his place within the team and for everyone to have their moments too. You’re right because regardless the second years s... KunaShiro

    Now that you mentioned it, about miyuki, i can't wait to see seidou vs inajitsu(⊙…⊙ )
    Just please bfore he graduate let him defeat mei :( all this time, mei and inajitsu always looking down on miyuki and seidou (tbh i really fed up with this, geez XD) but now its time for miyuki and the team to flip the table(╯°Д °)╯╧╧
    And yeah im glad we have the same thoughts :D

    KunaShiro June 20, 2020 6:15 pm
    Now that you mentioned it, about miyuki, i can't wait to see seidou vs inajitsu(⊙…⊙ )Just please bfore he graduate let him defeat mei :( all this time, mei and inajitsu always looking down on miyuki and s... Violet

    It makes sense for the story if Sawamura finally takes his role as the ace on the team against Mei because the last match they had the difference between Inashiro and Seido was having a true ace. This time with the help of others Sawamura will have realized his role and Miyuki will have someone better than Mei to catch. That what their battery has been alluding to has finally come to fruition, since Miyuki has referenced to him as a flower, I guess Miyuki can finally see it bloom. But that’s all speculation... ;-;