Not completely accurate, but pretty damn close.

Myexistenceisforshoujo June 19, 2020 1:33 am

My mother has DID and I grew up with her alters my entire life. The part about there being an original isn't completely accurate, as everyone is born with it and slowly develop into one. The reason some don't is due to extreme trauma early on in life. It can be many things built up over time or one significantly horrific event.

Not all alters are completely different, but they do have different belongings like clothing or toys. Although, their are certain types of alters that play certain roles. They honestly wrote it in really well, which is unfortunately uncommon. These people try to live their lives, and much of the media paints them as either killers or freaks, and many don't even believe it's real.

It really shows that the author did their research, which is nice to see.

If you guys are interested in learning more about it, I recommend dissociaDID. She suffers from it and explains many different things as well as debunking many myths about it. It is an extremely interesting disorder, but we have to remember that real people suffer from it, and we owe it to them to not write about it in an unrealistic way like many do...

    MariChem June 20, 2020 4:40 am

    Thanks for sharing your storie. It is very interesting!

    Crapicorn June 20, 2020 2:22 pm

    I love dissociadid they helped me learn a lot which in turn made me feel really impressed with this Manga since like u said the author seems to have done their research