Just going to answer some of your questions. The rape is dumb since they use the excuse that the new teach is the god that attracted guys. So each time his eyes turn red he makes all guys get horny( I agree it was stupid they really forced this to be yaoi). The teacher died from running of the hill on her own I stills dont get why ( she went to get help for the student but you can't be that dumb to run of a hill so I don't get it). The other teacher found her but let her die to get revenge for his sister. The stab I don't know either. Since it from teach and student talking to her stabbing him. The ghosts are using the new teacher aka God to solve their deaths I guess since there the ones that lead him to someone's body. The other teacher mentions how gods had a lot of connectiosn to death and curses so I guess him being a god means he can see them. T cherry tree is weird to but I think he was just plot so that the teach could find one of the killed victims and to explain one of the gods a bit. All the dead bodies are people the other teacher killed to try an revive his sister. They seemed to be the sisters friends and bullies. The teaches connection I can only think of the good things. There's honestly to many plot holes.
I did not understand a single moment in this manga...... why the rape? Wtf is wrong with that student??? Did the student kill the teacher??? Why he get stabbed???? Why the ghosts?? Why do the ghosts follow or "haunt" the teacher????Why does everyone want to either kill or rape the teacher? What was that cheery tree guy?? All the dead bodies???? How did the teacher find them?? Was he connected to them somehow??? Was that other guy really responsible for all the deaths at school?? He killed the missing teacher or did she kill herself???? I really didn't understand anything ...... if someone can explain in detail what the hell happened in each chapter it will be greatly appreciated!!!!!