I don't like this kind of sex.

Daminguska June 18, 2020 10:33 pm

I don't like this kind of sex.

    C0rmack June 18, 2020 10:58 pm

    Me neither. To me, this sex scene with the mafia boss and the one we saw between MC & the hyung are both abusive/violent. The difference is that one has a tattoo on his back and there is some dubious consent (hint: MC panicked look when he grabbed his ass) Anyway, in my opinion the lesser evil is the baby face (he is a little questionable too [ch21 raws]) but he at least has not beaten up the MC yet so I give him the benefit of the doubt for now. Of course MC does not see him is a romantic way because he does not fit his "Big Brother Type."
    Also, people are saying "the hyung is abusive", " he is trash", "he is toxic" but at the same time are forgetting that the mafia boss is a killer with a short fuse. What guarantees that he is not going to severely injured the MC or even kill him, if he suspects that MC is getting too close to another man?

    Daminguska June 18, 2020 11:46 pm
    Me neither. To me, this sex scene with the mafia boss and the one we saw between MC & the hyung are both abusive/violent. The difference is that one has a tattoo on his back and there is some dubious consen... C0rmack

    You just voiced out my thoughts

    DrowsyMamacita June 19, 2020 12:13 am
    Me neither. To me, this sex scene with the mafia boss and the one we saw between MC & the hyung are both abusive/violent. The difference is that one has a tattoo on his back and there is some dubious consen... C0rmack

    I think the obvi difference between the Hyung and Mafia Daddy would be the consent received in the beginning and throughout (after the bj, when Mafia a Daddy is trying to do a little foreplay Suyeong tells him to shut up and just get on with it). And the lack of trying to physically fight back, which I think shows he may be caught off guard with the intensity of the situation but it’a not rape. So far he has tried to push Hyung off and away every time. The sex in this scene is rough, but he was acting like a brat and saying it wouldn’t even be a big deal so I can see where Park is annoyed lol
    Annoyed but still interested in Suyeongs pleasure, at least more so then Hyung has seemed to be up to this point.

    Yes, the man murders but at least he seems to care about Suyeong for some reason and isn’t controlling like Hyung.

    Im not going to say anything about Minhyeuk, except that he’s clearly a sexual sadist so I’m nervous about His intentions with Suyeong.

    Also, homie needed better consent then what he got in ch 21.

    Daminguska June 19, 2020 12:46 am
    I think the obvi difference between the Hyung and Mafia Daddy would be the consent received in the beginning and throughout (after the bj, when Mafia a Daddy is trying to do a little foreplay Suyeong tells him ... DrowsyMamacita

    I'm not saying it was rape, but disturbing kind of sex for me. I don't like both hyung and boss because of how they act (or would probably act). Also seriously, dude couldn't breathe during bj and he doesn't seem to be a masochist to enjoy that.
    And i don't know where are you coming from if you think that when someone acts like 'brat' you have to be annoyed and rough with them.

    DrowsyMamacita June 19, 2020 2:07 am
    I'm not saying it was rape, but disturbing kind of sex for me. I don't like both hyung and boss because of how they act (or would probably act). Also seriously, dude couldn't breathe during bj and he doesn't se... Daminguska

    I’m not saying acting like a brat means someone is allowed to treat you a certain way, just that it can affect an overall mood which can change the overall vibe of an encounter.

    But yeah, choking on a dick is not pleasant But sometimes men are just assholes and do that, sometimes it’s actually hot (park pointed out Suyeongs boner immediately after) and sometimes it ain’t the right vibe.

    But really I can understand your reservations! It just wasn’t to your taste! That’s totally cool. I’m still standing him with park over Hyung and the silver haired sadist.

    NoName June 19, 2020 9:31 am
    I think the obvi difference between the Hyung and Mafia Daddy would be the consent received in the beginning and throughout (after the bj, when Mafia a Daddy is trying to do a little foreplay Suyeong tells him ... DrowsyMamacita

    I totally agree with that

    sweety1997 June 19, 2020 1:36 pm

    is there like a psychological background to this? does it make sense in that way i mean. or is it just super weird and does not make sense within itself?

    C0rmack June 20, 2020 6:05 am
    I'm not saying it was rape, but disturbing kind of sex for me. I don't like both hyung and boss because of how they act (or would probably act). Also seriously, dude couldn't breathe during bj and he doesn't se... Daminguska

    I agree on everything you said. I see MC was on a self-destructing mission by using sex as coping mechanism as stated by Tuck2003. However, that does not mean that the mafia boss has to comply to his request, right? He took the so called consent and treated the MC as a whore. Was that necessary? No. He could have rejected the proposition. He knew that the MC was not in the right state of mind. He saw him crying and beaten up. He kept on harassing him even though the MC told him to back off and to leave him alone. I guess people decided to forget about that detail? If the mafia boss would have given the MC some space then everything would have been fine. I will continue to read the story for the MC because I like him but I will avoid the sex scenes with the mafia boss. I know he is the ML but I do not like him.

    Daminguska June 20, 2020 1:50 pm
    I’m not saying acting like a brat means someone is allowed to treat you a certain way, just that it can affect an overall mood which can change the overall vibe of an encounter. But yeah, choking on a dick i... DrowsyMamacita

    Well, i will also respect your opinion

    Daminguska June 20, 2020 2:01 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Tuck2003

    You seriously think i expect some lovely-dovey relationship from this? I'm stating i don't like this sex, man.
    And i didn't say a word about it being abusive. I think it was just really mean.

    Daminguska June 20, 2020 4:09 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Tuck2003

    Haha, ok xD

    sweety1997 June 20, 2020 4:17 pm

    In my opinion, as a very sensitive person myself, I liked the sex between the mafia boss and the uke. I hated the sex he had with the hyung. All times he had sex with the hyung it seemed like rape, but the uke seemed to be in the same mindset as many victims of long term childhood abuse, where their criteria for stuff is super self destructive to a normal person. Because to them it seems like love, but it is not. So when they experience or learn it is not real love, comes delusion but at some point they might realise and escape. That seems to be indicated a lil here. Whenever they had sex it seemed like he was being raped, I mean he says no, and the dude who is super tall and his trainer and knows his weeknesses and all goes on talking like a rapist trying to make it like it is not rape and like the uke wants it, because he is erect and ejaculates. Like bruh...sure no one says thhe mafia boss is an angel seme. No one in the manga says so. His behavior is no lie. He is who he is. When he is the boss outside and doing business he is a criminal ashhole totally immersed in his role. Stuff like beating up a debtor to make them fear cause fear for life will make their self persavation go nuts and they will pay quicker etc. It is business. But in private he was actually super different to the uke. And he was angry yes, but even though he was angry, he was super attentive. Their sex seemed very compatible and the uke didn't struggle to escape (like he did with the hyung, but then complied I guess, because of super fucked up sense of morals towards a loved one), he said stop once, but he was not fighting back, it was more like when you expect normal sex, but suddenly it is some awesome shit and you are about to loose control and you are not ready. When he was not ridiculed for feeling good, he totally let loose and for the first time I saw him have real sex. Seme attempted to say some "mean" things, but he was never truly mean and you can see how even though he was angry from the rejection and degrading etc., he was putting all his attention into the ukes reactions and making him feel good. The hyung was just preparing him for his own game. Not caring about the ukes pleasure. You can see it if you read again and compare. Suddenly the uke is like all dazy, super seductive and saying all those things. Sure you could argue it is because he is mentally weak, but naw...he didn't expecct the sex to be good. It looks more like he is suprised sex could be like this and for the first time he experiences real sexual pleasure and how the high from all the dopamin can chase away depression haha....anyway. People really have interesting concepts about things. I am happy to see where this goes. Sure if the Mafia Seme does the same disgusting maniupatove shit as the Hyung Seme I will not abide by this ship anymore, but yeah....i am not gonna be biased

    DrowsyMamacita June 20, 2020 4:27 pm
    In my opinion, as a very sensitive person myself, I liked the sex between the mafia boss and the uke. I hated the sex he had with the hyung. All times he had sex with the hyung it seemed like rape, but the uke ... sweety1997

    I would like to add, since you mention BB said stop and no a few times...sometimes that just happens during good sex. Sometimes the stimulation can get so intense you say things you don’t actually mean, and that’s why safe words exist. Because it’s easy to default and say, “No” when in reality you’re fine. Safe words are not just for SM or BD because of this reason.

    sweety1997 June 20, 2020 5:06 pm
    I would like to add, since you mention BB said stop and no a few times...sometimes that just happens during good sex. Sometimes the stimulation can get so intense you say things you don’t actually mean, and t... DrowsyMamacita

    true, but i felt the climate between the two encounters was super different. i mean i read this, with no idea what´s up. i hate anything that is a crime and especially if it is downplayed. so i approached this with a blank mind and i felt uncomfortable when he had sex with the hyung. i hated the violence from mafia boss, but it was nothing weird for his persona. but later on, even though the idea of selling his body made me uncomfortable and i was like nooo, the sex axtually didn't repulse me. it seemed somehow harmonic, attentive and compatible. dunno how it will be after. i guess there will be a lot of awkwardness. but that is where i am at. i cannot say anything now about the mafia boss, their relationship and if it is toxic or not. but i will wait and see. but his relationship to the hyung was subtly manipulative and obviously anticlimatic in terms of a power imbalance etc. and i saw potential for physical abuse the first time they had sex and he didn't dissappoint me in that sadly....but that is so so realistic an experience for a person with adhersive childhood trauma. they have a very low self esteem and sense of worth and love etc. so they are super vulnerable and abusive assholes with inferiority complex like the hyung easily target them. sweet at first to coerce them, but then their toxic possessiveness comes out. that is so shortly but excellently represented. i like the realism in some sense so far in this story...i hope the author keeps it up like this :)

    DrowsyMamacita June 20, 2020 5:56 pm
    true, but i felt the climate between the two encounters was super different. i mean i read this, with no idea what´s up. i hate anything that is a crime and especially if it is downplayed. so i approached this... sweety1997

    100% hyung raped him. Mafia Daddy did not rape him and the prostitute talk wasn’t serious IMO. I felt like Park was annoyed Suyeong brought it up and after that it was just dirty talk.

    Which was hot af at times. When he said “Mr. Kwon Suyeong” I was like...yess talk business to me. Haha