Personally I believe fictions can affect young minds and thats the problem not the mangaka's or the author. Coz every R+ series have warnings like only for 18 above or etc. Tho we are aware that there are a lot of readers around 10-12 or so reading R+ series-- the complications and toxicity kicks in if they develop a mentality that rape, incest and etc irl is normal. But so long as they are responsible and sensible enough to know the GREAT diff between reality and fiction and do not mix it w/ each other (especially on a wrong way) then everything's fine.
I also learned that there are tags that shows the series' genre, so me personally, since I am not into (like I am mostly disgusted) on gangbangs or plotless 3p and poly, once I checked that the series is one of those, I never hesitate to leave before seeing anymore of the details.
I deeply understand readers (like me) whocant tolerate those 'tags' that you've mention. Coz in some ways or another, it is bothering. But as much as I cant tolerate those, I also respect readers who likes it being it a fiction since we all have diff tastes and preferences when it comes to stories.
BUT Fiction is fiction. So real life Pedos, incest, rape, and etc will NEVER AND SHOULD NEVER be considered a sane and just act.

I never get the hate for incest relationships, like you hate because it sounds disgusting for you?????? Sounds like being an asshole
Tho aside from minors, consenting incest adult relationship totally sounds perfectly fine and normal to me.
Wtf is ur problem with incest like is ur life so boring you had to care about some other human beings sex life

Well historically one of the main reasons why people used to marry among themselves is to preserve a certain bloodline because they consider others less than or there was not enough people in a certain place and they had no choice but to do so. Then there's the fact that when you marry amongst family you tend to pass on your recessive family genes into dominant in your children. So families who did that saw their children were born with body mutations or have sicknesses and tend to die quite soon or are mentally disabled. Also there was the predatory behaviors of fathers and uncles toward their own daughters and forcing them to sleep with them under the pretence of keeping a bloodline pure. I see that you want to argue that this type of relationship could be like lgbtq (love is love) I've given it a lot of thought myself but really it's more than just being attracted to a certain gender. If you want to read about it lmk there's like a lot of articles that talk about the history behind it and all that.. I can always post some in the comments.
I’ve seen so many arguments on this topic and I’m wondering what your thoughts on. In manga incest, rape, toxic relationships occur a lot. And theirs always the side saying it’s just fiction then theirs the other side saying it’s still disgusting . I understand where both sides are coming from like yes it’s romanticizing rape and incest etc , but then there is the point that’s it’s fiction and it’s not meant to be taking seriously or along those lines. I’m interested what’s others take on this discussion