There is something called a Morphoric Field I think. I learned it from a game but it’s really interesting. I think it was also a real thing, I’ll try to describe the experiment as best as I can but I could make some mistakes.
There has been a test on a radio in Scotland (not sure) where participants had a picture in front of them which each individual saw different. In other places in the world they told what was actually in the pictures, which was a dog, but they were told to keep quiet about it so the people in Scotland won’t know. A few months later the picture was tested in Scotland again but with different participants. The other participants don’t know what the people in other countries had heard too, but surprisingly 80% of the people guessed it was a dog!
It’s from the game 999 (Also known as 9 persons, 9 hours, 9 doors) if you’re interested. Maybe that was the case?

That’s pretty normal in my religion tbh...sometimes we use our dreams to be cautions of where we’re going and my older sister most of the time always has dreams of the future ahead, if something really bad is about to happen, she dreams of the same situation happening until after a few months later or years later....it actually does happen....those dreams that she has makes her really exhausted tho

okay, here, take this fold-up machine gun with you. let's see what else I can give you out of my dream tools. Take this armor, too. It's lightweight and threat-proof, and it will morph and expand to suit up your family too.
Whatever's chasing you, just turn around and growl at it, and it will shrink to nothing.
Okay so this is really weird but last night I had a dream about someone I know crying in my living room because their boyfriend spent the whole day with his friends instead of her. Then, when I woke up and told my parents, they said that it did happen. She was crying for the exact same reasons as she was in my dream and everything was the same in reality and dream. But I couldn't have known about it because I was out poo picking my friends horse field when it happened. Is this something normal? Has anyone else had something like this?