It's not like he is a major dick ..,well maybe little . But honestly get the fuck over it. That's hi get over it, he shows his love is a hashly manner. Azusa is isn't the nice person in the class. So maybe a tastes of his own medicine? One must say!

Suicide? Really? That pretty darn weak, why not sit back relax and enjoy ? Cause lady it would seem that all you would get, even a sexy guy like karino seems way off the chart with you in a rape scene

A politician said that irl. That women should sit back and enjoy rape. I wonder how you feel about that. Should we?

I may be wrong but I'm doubting that a death scene will happen.
Right now I was re-thinking past mangas with similar themes and there's always one co conclusion inside my mind that all semes like him are really cruel to the ones they like because if there is no reason to do so then the plot is just damn useless and its all just about bullying or he's really a crazy bastard.
hahah,damn I'm so hooked up with this.

If someone as hot as Karino raped me hell yes I would! Depends on the type of rape. Rape is not rape getting drunk and knowing that you body loses it's self is not rape. It being irresponsible.

I guarantee you you'd feel differently if that actually happened to you. Real rape is not like the one presented in this manga. If you actually got raped the guy would probably tear your vagina and make you bleed, punch you, and probably murder you when he's finished.

yeah,true enough. I second to that. but karino didnt do those so yeah he is a guy who likes azusa

When I read the first chapter a while back I thought that Azusa was a prick and deserves what he got, but then after hearing a bit about his life it's no wonder how he ended up like that. I feel sad and to be told "it's more fun" while mentally unstable is worser ,_,
I just hope everything be okay
Next chapt in October -cries-

Wth? Rape fantasy is one thing but real rape is a whole different ball game. As long as he's hot you'll let him fuck you? I can assure you that real rape will leave you broken if not half dead.

i have to agree with Karino not being nice, if he has feelings for him and this is the way he is showing it (which is pretty much every yaoi manga cough*you are my loveprize in viewfinder*cough) then it is pretty twisted i really hope azusa doesnt end up with him
I actually prefer him to be with glasses guy (im pretty sure he is important to this story i just dont know if in a good or bad way for Azusa) but hey im familiar with this sensei's works so my guess is they are gonna end up together and somewhat happy in a dark way

Love, Ogawa Chise (I.e.) is NOT into the light, mushy, common and heart-felt BL I presume you're very into. This is a cruel artist that enjoys placing her characters in rather. . . difficult situations and leave them there to fester in a way that drives them to the point of insanity. The chances of this one ending well are about 3:4 (going by the artists previous work), but from some of her most recent short stories I don't think it'll happen that way. If you don't like it, don't read it. This is an interesting change of pace that is rather unlikely in real life; even the common tragic story of "he's a man so I can't love him" is quickly being turned around by pop culture. It's just something different; calm down.

Wtf is wrong with you ?

Suicide is taking it too far.

I just wanna say that I understand where Naomi's coming from. I mean seriously, put yourself into Azusa's shoes. What if you were being raped everyday, being tormented from your rapist's underlings, mother treats you like shit, dad is out of the picture, and no one gives a rat's ass about you. You're lower than the lowest. I'm sure you would break apart as well and resort to suicide. It's not being weak, and anyone who says it is has yet to discover their true despair.

You have some serious issues. So you're saying you don't mind if a handsome man raped you? Nah. This isn't even considered rape anymore because I'm sure you'd give consent. Seriously. Don't try to use rape as an excuse for your skanky ass fantasies.

What so wrong with it? Haha I'm not a women. Who are emotionally weak and have break downs every fucking second. I a man, I lust for rape I not gonna have a fuck huge cry about rape.. But if the guys ugly then that a different story . I may end up hurting him.

No way! I not giving my consent to him cause then it won't be as sexy!

I said rape not murder,rape

Dude youre either describing your inner needs for a rape fantasy or youre a masochist...your idea of rape (whatever it may be) has to be completely delusional because REAL rape is no where near sexy and btw since you seem to think that only women freak out about being raped why dont you go and do some research -______-
Karino is NOT nice!! He is so cruel. And that smirk of his... I sooo hate him.
He did all those awful things to Azusa but now tries to tend to his bruise on his face. No problem if he'S the one giving the bruise, though! It's like, beat someone to death than play the nurse! wtf!
If i were Azusa, i'd have committed suicide or run from home, or hurt others real bad that i 'd go to juvie. But he just sucks it all up. He's so miserable. There is no one who cares for him so he's like %200 more likely to grab onto whoever offers the slightest bit of kindness. That must be what Karino is going for. What a cruel plan... He made him miserable. He broke him and now picks up the fallen pieces.