I am so so sooo glad

b r o k e n b a l l a d June 16, 2020 3:09 pm

I am so glad I picked this up. I dropped it back then because I thought Ed would fall in love and then MQ wouldnt wanna deepen their relationship and just be fck buddies, resulting in ambiguous and toxic relationship. BUT I WAS WRONG. I M GLAD, I AM. THIS HAS GOTTA BE ONE OF THE MOST SUBTLE YAOI MANHWAS IVE EVER READ. Its kinda like Love or Hate without sooo much tension. The emotions are so complex and well explained. IT HIT ME WHEN ED SAID "I wanna be with him (something like that) but I wanna run away from all of these. I miss him but I wanna walk away." I MEAN GOD*MMIT! HOW CAN THIS BE SO REALISTIC? THE SUBTLE EMOTIONS UGH, I LIVE FOR THEM. THIS TRULY IS A MASTERPIECE.

    Jerry Mo❤Tian June 16, 2020 3:35 pm

    Aaah...I did the same...and got back....now I am thankful that I got back....cause just like you said....the subtle emotions...I also live for them