waittt I have a questionnn,did alek and hen have sex?cause like i remember alek said to he...

Azunyan June 16, 2020 1:59 pm

waittt I have a questionnn,did alek and hen have sex?cause like i remember alek said to hen that he have two partners which are alek and ivan

    Jesss June 16, 2020 2:44 pm

    they definitely had sexual encounters, whether that involved penetration, no one is certain. they give hints as if they did, but they didnt outright show it.

    vivi June 17, 2020 2:05 pm

    I believe they dont...
    If they do they should have draw them having sex.. not just alek finger*ng hen right..
    Thats what i believe hahaha
    And ill hate it if they had sex

    BeepBopp June 20, 2020 4:52 am

    I believe its just a difference in the translation.

    I also think the fingering scenes were just Hen's imagination

    Everything points in that direction except some conversatiom.

    We didmt even ever saw Alek without a shirt
