Whaaat are you serious? Which raw chapters he sleeps with women after getting with ian???
I can't tolerate two timing and cheating......okay raymond is guy who became rich by manipulative means such as bribery and sex ...he even denied his attraction to Ian by being with women excessively...but two timing and cheating is off limits

Yup... they don't actually get together yet. They will start a sex/physical relationship in the next few chapters and, after a few more more chapters ,they become a couple. But soon after he gets engaged.. he even moves with the woman, but keeps going to his mantion every few weeks to sleep with Ian. All that and some other issues, start draining Ian physically and mentally.
Well it is a "happy ending" as it was mentioned above, but not till the lasts chapters, when Raymond realizes he only wants Ian blah blah blah and then he drops all his old ways of living. But we don't actually see them living happy ever after, because it ends with them leaving together
any spoilers what will happen next ...i dont want to read raws..so if anyone can tell plzzz...i will be really very grateful..plzzzz