Once a player, always a player

Patri1010 June 15, 2020 10:52 am

Once a player, always a player

    Bish June 16, 2020 3:44 am

    People change

    ghitabn June 17, 2020 2:25 pm
    People change Bish

    Nah man once a player always a player

    Aland June 22, 2020 1:15 pm
    Nah man once a player always a player ghitabn

    That’s now how everyone works. People are more complex than that:/

    ghitabn June 22, 2020 1:46 pm
    That’s now how everyone works. People are more complex than that:/ Aland

    Look the first time is always the hardest and fullest with guilt once your over that step tyen that s it . Plus cheating is cheating and giving a second chance is a dumb choice cause if he truly loved the person he s with he wouldn't even think about doing that

    ghitabn June 22, 2020 1:47 pm
    That’s now how everyone works. People are more complex than that:/ Aland

    And mannn let me tell u how fast humans can pick up habbits

    Yaoifan1010 June 22, 2020 2:00 pm
    That’s now how everyone works. People are more complex than that:/ Aland

    That might be true to an extent but bruh I got friends with dudes who do this shit whenever their dicks want a new home.
    Habits r so easy to pick up yet habits die hard

    ghitabn June 22, 2020 2:04 pm
    That might be true to an extent but bruh I got friends with dudes who do this shit whenever their dicks want a new home. Habits r so easy to pick up yet habits die hard Yaoifan1010


    Aland June 22, 2020 2:13 pm
    Look the first time is always the hardest and fullest with guilt once your over that step tyen that s it . Plus cheating is cheating and giving a second chance is a dumb choice cause if he truly loved the perso... ghitabn

    Again, it’s way more complicated than that because people cheat for different reasons. Someone might cheat once and NEVER do it again. People who are married have cheated even though they still loved their spouse.

    Aland June 22, 2020 2:13 pm
    That might be true to an extent but bruh I got friends with dudes who do this shit whenever their dicks want a new home. Habits r so easy to pick up yet habits die hard Yaoifan1010

    My best friend cheated on her boyfriend once because of what she was going through and now she is married with him and has never ever cheated on him. This was years ago.

    Aland June 22, 2020 2:25 pm

    I have never experienced cheating, but I know that people are complicated. Serial cheaters definitely will cheat again. They are the ones that can’t break a habit BUT this can’t be said for every single person who has ever cheated. That was my point. Not saying you should take back a cheater, but it would be a good idea to look at their psyche and why it led down to cheating.

    Many times, people cheat with people who they don’t even give a shit about! They person they are cheating on is the one they actually love (wife, husband) but they might feel like they don’t deserve them so cheating is a way to hide their pain.

    Yaoifan1010 June 22, 2020 2:35 pm
    Again, it’s way more complicated than that because people cheat for different reasons. Someone might cheat once and NEVER do it again. People who are married have cheated even though they still loved their sp... Aland

    Define love. do u love someone so much that u cheat on them but still love them. If u love someone so much,the thought of cheating shouldn't even be thought about.

    ghitabn June 22, 2020 2:40 pm
    Again, it’s way more complicated than that because people cheat for different reasons. Someone might cheat once and NEVER do it again. People who are married have cheated even though they still loved their sp... Aland

    Once you even think about cheating that means you do not love the person your with the same way as before, i dont know about your idea of love but devoting yourself to ur partner is among the number one rules you should not break . Relationships are based on trust and let s be honest with ourselfs , once that trust is broken and especially the first time you cannot look at your partner the same way

    Aland June 22, 2020 2:43 pm
    Define love. do u love someone so much that u cheat on them but still love them. If u love someone so much,the thought of cheating shouldn't even be thought about. Yaoifan1010

    Love is unconditional. However, people with low self esteem cheat because they don’t feel like they deserve the person they are with, it doesn’t mean love stopped.

    Yaoifan1010 June 22, 2020 2:43 pm
    I have never experienced cheating, but I know that people are complicated. Serial cheaters definitely will cheat again. They are the ones that can’t break a habit BUT this can’t be said for every single per... Aland

    I'm not trying to put u down at all, I totally understand what u r saying, but when I said once a player always a player I was just talking about the manga not the world and because the manga was finished that leaves us to think about what could happen in the future, so I just said that he could cheat because old habits die hard. I'm sorry if it seemed that I was ignoring your points and dissing u; that's not what I wanted at all.

    Aland June 22, 2020 2:44 pm
    Once you even think about cheating that means you do not love the person your with the same way as before, i dont know about your idea of love but devoting yourself to ur partner is among the number one rules y... ghitabn

    Good relationships are based on trust not all relationships are perfect. Many people fuck up. It’s not a Disney movie for many people.

    Aland June 22, 2020 2:47 pm
    I'm not trying to put u down at all, I totally understand what u r saying, but when I said once a player always a player I was just talking about the manga not the world and because the manga was finished that ... Yaoifan1010

    No hard feelings. I’m not offended or anything. I mean in this manga, he seemed like he was going to die when the uke was away. I hope he learned his lesson.

    ghitabn June 22, 2020 2:48 pm
    I have never experienced cheating, but I know that people are complicated. Serial cheaters definitely will cheat again. They are the ones that can’t break a habit BUT this can’t be said for every single per... Aland

    You are trying to justify cheating here wich is very dangerous and i hope you are aware of that , no matter what the cheater's mentality is that s his problem to fix , cheating because you don't think u deserve them that s ridiculous and sorry to say that . You mentioned that you have never experienced cheating and based of your prespective of it you should really be careful you could easily be manipulated . You should value yourself more there is nothing worse than being cheated by someone you hold dear.
    If you decide to forgive a cheater then that s your own decision , but that means you have accepted the fact that your loved less than wht you deserve and settled with being second

    Yaoifan1010 June 22, 2020 2:49 pm
    No hard feelings. I’m not offended or anything. I mean in this manga, he seemed like he was going to die when the uke was away. I hope he learned his lesson. Aland

    Hopefully they lead a happy life

    ghitabn June 22, 2020 2:51 pm
    My best friend cheated on her boyfriend once because of what she was going through and now she is married with him and has never ever cheated on him. This was years ago. Aland

    While i do understand that people are surrounded by temptations and we are easily swayed by that , you may forgive but take that as a sign that you deserve better

    Aland June 22, 2020 3:01 pm
    You are trying to justify cheating here wich is very dangerous and i hope you are aware of that , no matter what the cheater's mentality is that s his problem to fix , cheating because you don't think u deserve... ghitabn

    What? No, I am not justifying cheating. So having a conversation about this is dangerous? What happened to having discussions? The world is not black or white. You seem to have this notion that anyone who cheats does not love or anyone who takes a cheater back is going to be loved less for the rest of their life. But people are complicated and so is love. I personally will break up if someone cheats on me, but I can’t say that my best friend who is in a happy relationship with her husband is being loved less or that she deserves better. She is in a great place now with her husband. She seems way happier than the people I know who have never had their partner cheat on them. Everyone is different and they know what they should do in situations like this.