Not like I want to pop off nobody's bubble I wrong or...the first time they had s...

LenaDuchaese June 15, 2020 4:13 am

Not like I want to pop off nobody's bubble I wrong or...the first time they had sex...Naoyuki was only 15? (@_@)

That's...a bit disturbing...

Anyway it felt like a dreamy love overall, like the age difference wasn't that much worrying (but it should have been, I mean, he was a minor when they started having a physical relationship, and that's a bit...ehem). Well, since this is a manga —a fictional world—I don't get that worried, but if I encountered this in real life I would be calling the police, pedophilia is a no-no.

    bellokid911 May 23, 2021 3:43 am

    Yeah he was 12/13 when Sumi fell in love i think