skejii June 14, 2020 10:12 pm

SPOILERS!!! My thoughts: don't read if you haven't read the end ALSO today's the anniversary of ch40 (aka the last chapter) It was uploaded 6.14.2019 and today is 6.14.2020 so I did actually rush the past week to get them all out by today. Cool

Okay so to me the ending is bittersweet bc yes she comes back BUT it takes f i v e years. That's wayyyyy too long. Now I understand why she left because she needed a break to regain her love of swimming/overcome her guilt however she was able to leave Ha-Yun for five years so easily which just UGH! Hence why it's bittersweet, because they are together but it took forever. I can't fathom the 5 yrs bit. Anyways in the comments of the raws people were mentioning a season 2 BUT I have seen no news of that on the authors twitter or anywhere (as far as I know) so I don't know where they got that info from but if it were true that'd be great.
